Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Word of Prophecy for 2009

This is something God gave me in December of 2006. Yet, this morning I was instructed to share it again, as the same applies to the coming year of 2009. Don't worry about the year, Saints of God - WALK IN YOUR SEASON!

Like many of you, I have read literally 30+ prophecies concerning 2007, and I've probably heard even more. My Father and I had a long talk about this, and I asked God, what is it that I need to know about for 2007? I'd felt "left out," because though God has been showing me things, I haven't had any huge revelation for 2007.God spoke and said He has been speaking all year. "I am not ruled by your sense of time. Too many are seeking a word and a vision for the year. I am not concerned with years, but with seasons. Too many are looking for a change on January 1, but have not yet completed the assignments required to move into a new season."

My Father quickly reminded me that His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts. He showed me that the church is operating in spirit of divination and fortune-telling. Too many are concerned with giving a word for 2007, while people are dying in THIS season. A season, God reminded me, is not dependent on dates but on progression, growth and completion of purpose.

I know this is blunt, but I must be obedient in sharing this. We must stop trying to conjur up a word for the year. What is God saying TODAY?

God said, "Where were the seekers all year long?" How dare anyone give a word for the coming year when they have failed to communicate God's messages for the last 12 months! There is so much more I can add, but for now, this is all I feel led to share. Selah.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

IMAGINE - Ministry without Blame (My Heart's Cry)

As a new Pastor, I often find myself in prayer simply repenting for many things I’ve learned that do not please God. There is so much He is revealing to me, and I thank God for it. Yet, I am grieved. I’m grieved at the state of the church, and my prayer is that I will never cause the church to “look bad”. God is revealing so much to me. He is opening my eyes to so much. Most of all, He’s reminding of many things He’s allowed me to see in the past, yet I spoke nothing. I must now speak.

One of my biggest fears in ministry has been becoming a reproach to the Body of Christ. Too often, the people of God suffer because of the "public" mistakes made by someone else in ministry. How many times have you heard excuses from those who don't attend a church that reference how Christians are fake, selfish and hypocritical? Too many people are hurt by those who call themselves ministers of God. Too much disappointment comes from those who claim to live holy lives.

Of course, none of us are perfect. Yet, we too often use the "I'm only human" excuse. Are we not supposed to strive for perfection? Should we not be holy as God is holy? I know that I have made many mistakes in ministry. Yet, God is faithful, and love covers a multitude of sin. When my mistakes are truly mistakes, God covers. He knows our motives and will make them known. Even the world knows those who have a pure heart from those who express excuses to cover their evil motives.

In Paul's second epistle to the church at Corinth, he spoke of the characteristics of a pure a blameless ministry. He encouraged the believers to think about more than themselves. He admonished them to remember that their actions represented the Body of Christ. For that reason, they were to be careful of their actions and words.

2 Corinthians 6:3-10 AMP
v3) We put no obstruction in anybody's way [we give no offense in anything], so that no fault may be found and [our] ministry blamed and discredited.

First and foremost, Paul speaks of a ministry that causes no offense. In other words, the ministers of God are blameless. Now, this doesn’t mean they will never cause anyone to be angry. The power, however, is that when we remove personal offence, only conviction remains. The word of God will sting. The word will rebuke, correct and even offend. Yet, when the people of God are blameless, no fault can be found in us. Therefore, the ministry is not discredited. Though disagreement may rise, disrespect will not be an issue.

What if the church was without offense? People might disagree with the word we preach, but would not be able to say anything bad about the saints of God. Too often, we offend in the flesh without ever allowing the love of God to flow. So, it’s not the word of God that is rejected, but we are rejected before the word of God is even preached. It’s scary when we consider how many people have missed God, simply because of our own foolish, mean and offensive acts.

Instead of focusing on obedience to God and fearful respect of Him, the majority of our message is how WE must be respected and obeyed. We teach that if someone doesn’t like us, they are cursed. If they offend us, they are in sin. That’s simply not so. It’s not about us. It’s about the word of God. It’s about the love of the Father.

Too many of us are turning people away from the church because of our own evil and selfish ways. We act as if we are the only way to God rather than Jesus Christ, His Son. We are rude and offensive, then cover it up by saying we are only human. We preach that others must “touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.” We don’t stop to think, pray and consider that perhaps our own actions were not of God at all. We have a tendency to forget that the greatest among us must be servants. The greatest of us should be willing and able to repent before those who hear our messages. We do not have free passes to offend, simply because we carry a title or a certificate.

v4) But we commend ourselves in every way as [true] servants of God: through great endurance, in tribulation and suffering, in hardships and privations, in sore straits and calamities,
v5) In beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless watching, hunger;

Endurance in tribulation and suffering… When was the last time we endured through tribulation and suffering from others, without causing our ministries to look bad? How much do we really value integrity?

Jesus warned in Matthew, chapter 5 that we would be ridiculed for righteousness sake. Yet, He also taught that we are not to return insults with insult. We are to “turn the other check.” Unfortunately, we often forget that vengeance belongs to God. It is not for us to speak curses on others because we feel “disrespected.” Instead, it is our job to pray for them and win them over with love. We must be more concerned about their sin than their opinions of us or our ministries.

Then, there are the beatings, imprisonments, labors, watching, hunger… Let’s be honest. Many of us don’t understand suffering for the sake of ministry at all. Many of us don’t even carry our own Bibles. Many of us don’t know what it’s like to preach without a mint and a crystal glass of water or tea. We believe we are to be served, and if we do suffer, just a little… someone is going to get rebuked. Where were the deacons? Where was the armorbearer? This is our thinking. Service? Suffering? They are still too foreign to us.

v6) By innocence and purity, knowledge and spiritual insight, longsuffering and patience, kindness, in the Holy Spirit, in unfeigned love;

The characteristics of a godly ministry are very clear. Innocence means “not guilty”. Purity means holiness, sinless, sanctified for the use of the Father. Knowledge and spiritual insight speaks to revelation… a TRUE RELATIONSHIP with God. That’s far more important than years of education or even years spent in the “church.” Tenure is not God’s priority. In fact, for many of us, tenure is more of a shame than a trophy. Twenty years in the church, but you’ve caused no change. How dare we sit in the midst of hell, disguised as a house of God, yet say nothing. I am guilty. God called me as a prophet, yet I refused to open my mouth. Why? Religion, control… God is tired. Who will stand?

Have we forgotten longsuffering and patience? Have we forgotten KINDNESS and love? People of God, we must stop being so concerned about being right that we forget mercy and kindness. Rebuke is godly correction – not instruction on how WE think things should be. What has God said? In many of our rebukes to others, if we would be honest, God never said anything concerning the matter, except that we should pray for that person and love them.

What are we really trying to prove? As Jason Upton sang in a song called “It Ain’t Easy,” when we learn to love like God, we learn to “give it all, and get nothing back!”

v7) By [speaking] the word of truth, in the power of God, with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand [to attack] and for the left hand [to defend];

True ministry brings forth truth. Jesus stated that those who are His disciples shall know the truth, and the truth shall make us free! So, why is there so much bondage? It’s not a testimony, leaders, to have people following who are more afraid and reverent of you than they are of God. That’s not a testimony, but a disgrace. You have accepted the position of an idol. Repentance is of the essence. Priorities must be reordered. Preach TRUTH, not self! Preach relationship, not tradition.

v8) Amid honor and dishonor; in defaming and evil report and in praise and good report. [We are branded] as deceivers (impostors), and [yet vindicated as] truthful and honest.

Can you imagine being found innocent of EVERY accusation? How many ministries would truly stand? In other words, how many of us would stand? We don’t realize that WE ARE MINISTRY. Ministry is your service unto God. If you are not pure, your ministry is not pure! Why do we think we can live like the world as long as our churches grow? As long as the website gets hits and people send us email messages, we feel that our lives can be out of order. We have it all wrong. You are to be a living sacrifice unto God. It’s your reasonable service. It is ministry. When you stand before God, after being dishonored by others, does He find you innocent? Is repentance a regular practice for you, or just something you preach to others? Your ministry is not those you lead… It’s the life YOU lead before God – naked and exposed!

v9) [We are treated] as unknown and ignored [by the world], and [yet we are] well-known and recognized [by God and His people]; as dying, and yet here we are alive; as chastened by suffering and [yet] not killed;

Wow! Unknown by the world? Are we really? What is our motive? What is our ambition? Television broadcasts… Nice clothes… Big cars… Elaborate homes… CD’s…Millions in self-worth… Why is a good thing for the latest gospel artist to be played on the R&B station or BET? Are these not the ambitions of many in “ministry?” What happened to being separate from the world – even unknown and hated by the world? Somehow, the ambitions of the world have become our own. In our warped thinking about evangelism, we have brought the world into the house of God, claiming we want to “draw them.” Jesus said that those who belong to Him would be drawn by the Father. Are we so afraid to be the remnant? Are we so terrified of being the elect, a peculiar nation? Or do we simply not trust God to draw His own? He doesn’t need our help. He desires our obedience. The world does not belong in His house.

We are to be recognized by God and His people. We are recognized by our sacrifice. Popularity is not our motive. Fame is not our plight!

v10) As grieved and mourning, yet [we are] always rejoicing; as poor [ourselves, yet] bestowing riches on many; as having nothing, and [yet in reality] possessing all things.

When we operate in TRUE ministry, we experience a peace that passes all understanding. Rather than blaming others for our sufferings, we rejoice in them. Our possessions mean nothing beside the love of God that we feel. We rejoice simply in knowing our Father is pleased.

Hmmm…. True ministry! Selah!

Saints of God, pray with me and FOR me. I want to please God. I take ministry VERY seriously and my motives must always be pure before Him. I’m tired of “church as usual.” I want to be the one who has signs following. I want to hear God clearly. I want to be a blessing to people. I want to be known as a servant. I want to see people reconciled to the Father. I’ve seen the games, and my heart hurts for those who are deceived and for those who are deceiving. Many are making resolutions for 2009 even now. Let’s make a decision to truly be God’s vessels in the earth. Prophets, decide that you will no longer be silent. Evangelists, make up your mind to preach the TRUTH. God is merciful, but He is also just. Apostles, set order. Don’t be discouraged when they leave. Pastors, take opportunities to serve and stop demanding to be served. Teachers, teach the Word of God and stand up against the teachings of your denomination. REVIVAL is imminent. I want to be a part!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

How Much Christ Is In Your Christmas (A Repost)?

This time of year, it's inevitable to read the newspapers without hearing the ongoing debate about Christmas. Is it wrong, is it right? Should we say "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas"? To gift or not to gift? It's a never-ending saga, even in the house of God.

Without getting into tons of history and research, only to come to an endless debate, I want to share one thought with everyone during this holiday season...

So then, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you may do, do all for the honor and glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Saints, during this time, we must remember Christ. We must consider the heart of God. So many of us struggle and argue with traditions and their origins. We want to please our children, but are conflicted about which parts of Christmas should be kept, and which should be dismissed. Truthfully, it's really not that difficult to figure it out - DOES IT EXALT CHRIST? DOES IT DRAW MEN TO THE FATHER?

Even more, what did God tell YOU to do? Have you asked the Father what pleases HIM? Hmmmm...

Now, I leave you with one other thought. Consider this scenario...

A man and woman are celebrating their 20th anniversary. They have enjoyed a wonderful relationship, held together by the grace of God. At the anniversary dinner, the man leans over the table and looks into his wife's eyes. He tells her how he has enjoyed the wonderful time they've spent together, and presents her with a gift. To her surprise, it's a 4-karat diamond ring! Excited and anxious, the woman removes the ring from the box, and notices some engraving on the inside. When she reads the inscription, she realizes the ring actually belonged to her husband's ex-wife. He purchased this very gift as an engagement ring for his first wife rather than the one he was celebrating.

Now, his wife is disappointed, and somewhat upset. Confused about her reaction, the husband asks her why she is so upset. Pulling herself together, she explains... "I feel like I am receiving left overs. Though I know you love me and that you want me to feel appreciated with this lovely, expensive ring, the fact still remains that when you purchased it, your heart was set on someone else. The original purpose for this gift was to express your love to another woman, not me. I'd rather you give me a new penny, from your heart, than a recycled gift that happens to fit the occasion."

Isn't it funny how we do the same thing to God around this time of year? Many times, we get so caught up in tradition, and we SAY it's being done for God's glory. When we KNOW a particular act or practice came from idolatry and acts that did not please God, yet we try to justify them at this time of year by making it seem like a Christian agenda. We are simply trying to please God with an idol's offering - trying to give Him a used engagement ring. This year, let's give Him something new and genuine from our hearts. Seek His face and give Him praise. Before we celebrate, let's ask God what REALLY pleases Him. Whatever He says to do, let's do it. Whatever He says to leave out, let's just leave it out!

Then, and only then, will God get this glory in this season. Saints, we cannot continue to allow the world to dictate how we celebrate, when we shop, what we tell our children, and how we decorate our homes. We are the salt of the earth. WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DIFFERENT!

God bless you!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I Am Tired of the Slavery and Abuse!

Before you read this post, please know that I have taken this opportunity to speak from my heart. This is a solicitation for all of us to pray and repent... and be FREE!!!

John 8:31-36 (AMP)

31 So Jesus said to those Jews who had believed in Him, If you abide in My word [hold fast to My teachings and live in accordance with them], you are truly My disciples.
32 And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.
33 They answered Him, We are Abraham's offspring (descendants) and have never been in bondage to anybody. What do You mean by saying, You will be set free?
34 Jesus answered them, I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, Whoever commits and practices sin is the slave of sin.
35 Now a slave does not remain in a household permanently (forever); the son [of the house] does remain forever.
36 So if the Son liberates you [makes you free men], then you are really and unquestionably free.

I have found myself fixated in prayer as I grow more and more tired. I’m not tired of serving God… Not tired of ministry… Not even tired of my late nights and busy schedule. I’m just tired of seeing God’s people bound. I’m tired of seeing people enslaved to religion when God has made us free.

Over the last few days, our prayer line has been inundated with calls from people who are confused and abused, all in the name of “obedience and humility.” Many of them are being abused by those of us who should be setting them free. If I may simply share how I feel for one moment…

The thing that hurts and angers me most is that people are being abused in the name of God. There are literally church leaders lying on God week after week, watching people die. I am sick and tired of the abuse.

Many of us understand and know too well what church abuse feels like. “Church hurt”, as I’ve so often heard it called, is one of the deepest hurts a person can experience. Yet, there is an epidemic in the church of today – too many hurt people who have heard lies are now hurting others with those same lies. We have created doctrines and teachings that enslave people, when Jesus died for our freedom. We have become more obsessed with pleasing our leaders than we are with pleasing God. Allow me to share some examples…

-- I spoke with a minister who was told to pray for three topics and submit them to the pastor so the pastor could decide “which was really from God.”
-- I heard from a young lady who was turned away from prayer and communion because she didn’t have time to change before church, and wore slacks instead of a skirt.
-- I spoke with a woman who was told she had a spirit of witchcraft just because the prophet who was speaking could not “see anything good for her”

About a year ago, I received a call from a young lady who was in a church. She was a leader in the church, but she was caught up in an adulterous relationship. Surprisingly enough, her leaders knew of her affair (she was married), but never spoke out against it. In fact, they encouraged the couple to date. One day, I had a conversation with the young lady about her situation, and she was told by her leaders to ignore that conversation. As they stated, she was grown and they saw nothing wrong with the relationship. Surprisingly enough, just a few weeks after that conversation, the young lady called sobbing. She was upset because she was working hard as an armorbearer, but felt unappreciated. I remember very clearly that she stated, “Joy, I serve my leaders. I am faithful to them and I am careful to keep them covered, to make sure they have everything they need. I also pay my tithes, so why is God deserting me like this?”

I could hardly believe my ears. Here was a woman who became angry at God, because she was kept in bondage by her leaders. Now, I also understand that as a grown woman, she should have sought out the truth. Why didn’t she? Comfort.

Comfort can be a dangerous thing. When slavery was abolished in the United States, many freed slaves refused to leave their masters. Why? They were comfortable. They would rather stay in bondage than face an uncertain freedom. When someone is free, they have to make their own way. They can no longer depend on someone else. Freedom, for many, causes fear because it requires responsibility.

The same is so true in the Kingdom of God. Many of us listen to false doctrine and sit under crooked and misguided leaders because it’s comfortable. Who will confront you about your sin as long as you’re a good armorbearer? Who will make sure you know the word and have a relationship with God as long as you tithe and give great financial gifts? Who will expect you to live a holy lifestyle as long as you support the pastor and leaders? It’s so much easier to accept the false sense of security than it is to seek freedom in Christ. After all, freedom in God requires sacrifice. You will have to be holy, as God is holy. You will need to become a disciple of Jesus Christ. You will have to believe and maintain a solid relationship with the Father. You will have to stand for truth, even in the face of adversity. Perhaps these are some of the reasons that the way to eternal life is straight and narrow. Jesus said, “few there be that find it!”

As leaders, let’s stop demanding anniversaries and birthday parties when everyone in the church is told to give $50 or face a rebuke. Instead, let’s teach good stewardship, and teach people to pay their bills. Better yet, since the greatest among us are servants, according to Jesus Christ himself, let’s try to serve instead of always being served!

Let’s just do what the word of God says. Jesus said that we who are His disciples will know the truth, and the truth will make us free. We are bound, because we don’t know the word of God! We are trying to live by man’s law – tradition and religion. Jesus said that when He sets us free, we are free indeed! Let’s just do this thing God’s way.

I’ve heard some great atrocities during this week alone. I’m speaking of things that we all know to be false, yet we continue to sit under the doctrine, in bondage. Some of us continue teaching the things we know are not from the Word of God. Now is the time to stand up and be free! Now is the time to let God be true, but every man a liar!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Is Ministry Driving You or Dragging You?

As I was in casual conversation with a friend this morning, discussing ministry, God clearly spoke and said, “Ministry is supposed to drive you, not drag you!”

God is speaking to our motives, once again, for ministry. So many are involved in things we call “ministry,” but really don’t have a heart or desire to please God or win souls. How can we operate in ministry, when we have no general consideration for people?

Just look around. Watch how the saints treat the saints. How can we say we love God, whom we never seen, when we treat our brothers and sisters like crap. Many of us brown-nose those who have titles and position, only because we think it will give us favor, or we’ve been erroneously taught that somehow, this will cause God to bless us, despite our own sin.

Where is the HEART for ministry? Where is the desire to build the Kingdom of God. Ministry should be the motivator. Pleasing God should be the very thing that drives us into excellence. Instead, many of us are dragging behind ministry. We go with the flow because of what we’ve been told to do. We are more concerned about what men think than what God says about a matter. We just want to be seen. We want to be able to share what we have accomplished, but this is not the motive that pleases God!

God is speaking to the Church. Do NOT be a dead weight! Stop dragging behind. Put your hands to the plow and do what God has called you to do.

In respect to leadership, we often don’t realize how much we can frustrate a vision when we follow for the wrong reasons. Leaders in the Kingdom of God are not called to babysit others who claim maturity in Christ. If you are indeed driven by the desire to please the Father, you will operate in excellence. You will not be complacent just doing enough to get by. Like David, you will not offer anything to God that hasn’t cost you something.

Today, people of God, determine for yourselves. Is ministry driving you or dragging you? Selah.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What About Titles?

As far back as I can remember, there has been an ongoing discussion in the Body of Christ about titles. Should we use them? Should we recognize them? Are they biblical?

Over the last few days, this very topic has come up over and over again. Even in my prayer time, the Lord has reminded me of the instruction and revelation He gave me on this very issue. With that said, I will share what God has revealed to me.

First and foremost, a “title” should be an adjective, not a noun. Too many of us treat our titles as nothing more than an appendage to our name. It is NOT part of your name. It MUST be a description of who you are and what you do. It amazes me how many in the Body of Christ take on titles when they have no idea of the roles implied by them. As a married woman, I became a “Mrs.” when I married Christopher Allen. I could not change my name to “Mrs.-Elect” Joy Allen when I was engaged. Why? Because the title I wear describes the role I fulfill. I may have been called from birth to be Chris’ wife, but until I walked into that responsibility, I did not have the right to call myself “Mrs.” When a student earns a Ph.D., they become a “Dr.” upon graduation, because they have now fulfilled the requirements to become such. A student cannot call him or herself “Dr.” on the first day of class simply because they will one day earn a degree. So, why do we throw titles around like candy in the church? We don’t like that word – RESPONSIBILITY. We somehow associate titles with position, but ignore the great accountability that comes with it.

There was once a time when a name meant something. Throughout the word of God, we understand names are significant. In fact, there are numerous examples of great men and women of God whose names were changed when they walked into their God-given destinies. Today, we don’t put emphasis on names. We rarely give any thought to what we call our children and what those names mean or imply. However, the pattern of God is always to describe the person’s nature and assignment in what He calls them. When it comes to the Church, we must follow suit with the same practice.

I have struggled many times with whether or not to use a ministry title. In many ways, it is a cultural practice, and we don’t see the same practice in the Bible. Of course, the titles exist, but they are used in a much different manner than what we practice today. What God told me is this: “When people are sick, they look for a hospital sign. If it were not for the sign, many may not find the help they need. Those I have called out need to be found. I have called you My Prophet, and my people shall call you My Prophet.” For me, it was a difficult thing to do. However, I am very cautious about the use of a title, and I never demand it. It was ordained for years that I would be a Pastor, but I dared not carry that label until I was equipped and active in the position. Why? I didn’t want anyone who needed help to come to me and not get what they needed. We often fail to realize that a title sets a level of accountability. If I hire a person on my secular job who informs me they have five years of experience, I will expect more from them than someone who has only one year. By their own admission, they should be better at fulfilling the responsibilities. So, a failure for the experienced employee may not be a failure for the newer one. The same applies in the Body of Christ. This is why the church has become so tainted and lacks the trust and confidence of the world. Too many of us are practicing false advertisement. Our titles tell us that healing and deliverance are available, but when the sick come, they find only a form of religion with no power!

On that note, the other reason I use is a title is to keep me accountable. When I am referred to as a Prophet or a Pastor, I am reminded of the things God has called me to do in ministry. It keeps me accountable to people and God, because I cannot hide. When everyone knows your calling and assignment, you don’t have an opportunity to slip away from it. I take that very seriously. My every move is recorded by God, but also watched by man. As a minister, I am accountable to both. I am first a servant, and must never lose sight of that. I am called to minister to those who are hurting, those who are seeking God, and those are the ones who see the title and ask for help. I must then be ready to provide that help, by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

When it comes to others, I opt to respect the title that a person carries. If I am introduced to a person as “Evangelist,” I will always refer to them as “Evangelist.” Whether or not another should carry a title – I hold that between them and God, unless He specifically gives me a prophetic instruction for something different.

The point is this – our titles describe only our positions in the Body of Christ. Just as it is in the world, our job titles mean nothing. It’s how well you fulfill the job description that will get you promoted! Many of us have fancy titles at our jobs, but most of those titles describe nothing more than a glorified secretary. The titles in corporate America often sound more “grand” than the actual responsibilities. Yet, we are accountable for the responsibilities, not the title. Again, it is not the title, but it’s how well you fulfill the job requirements that will get you promoted! Selah.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The More I Seek You (Worship Dance)

I thank God for Prophetess Celeste Stevens. She has always been a prophet of truth, correction and accountability. I can now laugh when I think back to all the stumbling blocks that were placed between us. The enemy certainly never desired for us to become friends, but God healed a relationship that began with tension and false allegations. I thank God that He still sets the solitary in families. It is certainly a privilege to know and work with this awesome woman of God in ministry.

I had the wonderful opportunity of preparing the house for worship before she brought forth a powerful word. I love this song, because it is the desire of my heart - to sit at the feet of Jesus, drink from the cup of His hand, lay back against Him and breath, feel his heartbeat. This love is so deep, it's more than I can stand. I melt in His peace... it's overwhelming! Hallelujah!

Friday, November 07, 2008

The Daily Report (A Poem)

I’m ready Lord,
To report the things
I’ve done for you today

I’ve been busy
Spreading your word
Teaching people your way

I laid hands on the sick
And saw them healed
Caused demons to quickly flee

I fed the hungry
Clothed the naked
And set the captive free

I preached a sermon
And sang some songs
I clapped, I danced, I ran

Shared my testimony
The good and the bad
And how I was born again

I served my leaders
Carried their things
Obeyed each and every request

Made sure they had money
Good food to eat
And received plenty of rest

I went to church
And shook many hands
Making sure that I was seen

I hugged on children
And adults alike
Never seeming too distant or mean

But at the end of the day
When I’m ready to report
All the things I’ve done

I realize that
While I ministered all day
I neglected the very main One

I talked to others
But didn’t talk to You
Prayer I completely forsook

I preached and worked
But never once
Did I stop to read the Good Book

I corrected and chastised
And pointed out sin
But neglected to share the Good News

Somehow, O God
I felt better about Me
By telling others they’d broken the rules

So, here I am Lord
No longer wanting to brag
But needing only to repent

Instead of doing Your will
I’ve catered to men
Neglected that for which I was sent

Forgive me now Father
And teach me again
To always serve you before men

This time tomorrow
Our conversation will be different…

Instead of using You
I’ll thank You for using me
And I’ll be pleasing in your sight
Once again!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

To the Leaders of God's People...

God has been challenging me over the last few weeks, and I want to share this "challenge" with other leaders in the house of God. First, let me thank God for my spritual mother and Apostle, because she believes in the FREEDOM that God is bringing forth in this season. I don't speak very much about Apostle Glendora Winston, but that's not because she doesn't deserve it! This woman of God has taught me more than she'll ever know, and she's been an inspiration in my life due to her RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. Of course, she has the accomplishments and the grace, but most importantly, I know she has a heart for the Father and she genuinely cares for God's people!

With that said, I have felt a freedom over the last few months that I have not had in years. It's as if God is purging me from so many things that He never required. Now, I certainly thank God for the experiences, because they helped to shape and mold me into who I am today. The Father has used many in my past to teach me in many different ways, so I don't take that for granted. However, this is a new season! Hallelujah!

Now, while the method may be different, the message is the same. God has challenged me to think and pray about everything I do in ministry. Why do I do it that way? Where did I learn that from? How does this please the Father? How much is religion? Tradition? Relationship?

Now, let me say this: Not all tradition is wrong. Not all religion is wrong. The point is this - some of us are in BONDAGE to things that God never required of us. This is the season to GET FREE! I invite and challenge each of us to fast and pray as we approach this new year. I wish I could wrap this excitement I have and send it to all of you, but it is so much better coming directly from the Father!

In fasting and praying, let's seek God for HIS WILL in our lives. Let's ask Him to help us examine ourselves and be purged for a new era. There are so many souls who desire to know God, but they've been hurt or deterred because of bondage caused by man, covered with religion and disguised as prophecy. There is blood on the hands of the church, and we are called to repent and restore in the months to come.

Be encouraged! God desires for His people to be FREE! Get ready to soar and receive again the JOY OF THE LORD! Hallelujah!

But, What Does GOD Say About the Matter?

Matthew 6
32 For the Gentiles (heathen) wish for and crave and diligently seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows well that you need them all.
33 But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.
34 So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble.

So many of us, as people of God, spend day after day trying to fit an image or trying to accomplish some task in ministry. For many of us, we have authored our own forms of righteousness without ever hearing God’s instruction or opinion. For this reason, our righteousness has waxed cold. We find ourselves engulfed in good, but dead works.

I am in a season in my life where God is freeing me from what seems to be tons of bondage. I have been taught so much “religion” in my life. I’ve learned what a preacher “should look like.” I’ve been lectured on how a prophet must speak. I’ve been mentored on how a virtuous woman should dress. Nevertheless, there have been few in my past who concentrated on righteousness. Few have simply taught what God demands.

The church has perfected “the look” better than a Mary Kay professional. We have infiltrated the minds of God’s people, causing them to concentrate more on a human expectation than a godly requirement.

Righteousness comes from God and Him alone. He gives us the power to operate according to His word and His will. Pleasing God brings about righteousness… not religious traditions.

The Father wants His people to be free! As we begin praying and preparing for a new year, I know the will of the Father is to bring His people into a season of freedom. Freedom from thoughts that are not of Him… Freedom from practices that are not of Him… Freedom from the bondage of religion that has not come from Him…

God desires a people to seek to please HIM! Then, everything else will come. Wouldn’t it be nice to be free to worship without someone telling you you’re ungrateful just because you don’t shout and jump around the church that day? Wouldn’t it be a blessing to have an opportunity to pray without someone telling you that you’ve been praying too long? Wouldn’t it be great to go and preach the word of God without having to make sure your shoes match your best hat? What if we could just concentrate on pleasing God? What if we could experience giving from a pure heart of desire rather than coercion, guilt, or a need addressed by a false word of prophecy? What if God’s children were REALLY free in what’s supposed to be their own Daddy’s house? Jesus told us that His yoke is easy and His burden is light! So, why are we so heavy? Who are we really trying to please? Let God be true, and every man a liar!

We were never saved just to return to bondage. People of God, get FREE! We cannot know what God has to say when we are so preoccupied with what man has to say. Unclog your ears in this hour. Don’t worry about church as usual. That is dying in this season! Be lead of God. Seek the Kingdom first! Don’t worry about the gainsayers. Do not be concerned with the finances.

Pastors and Leaders – God is saying that you MUST obey and do the “strange” thing He is instructing you to do in this season. Stop doing what you’ve always done just because it has always been done that way. It will not be popular, but do not be concerned with their faces. Do not worry about the finances. Be obedient. Seek the Kingdom. The Father wants you to be FREE in RIGHTEOUSNESS! Seek His Kingdom, and the supply shall never run dry!

To GOD be the glory!

Remember to Pray for our Nation!

To GOD be the glory!

History was certainly made when Barack Obama was elected as our nation's 44th president. We congratulate the Obama family for all they've accomplished.

More importantly, we must not lose focus on God! He will need our prayers in many ways, and this nation needs the prayers of the righteous in order to triumph. As the people of God, it's OUR JOB AS SAINTS - to intercede, hear and obey God. Let's remain sober and not put too much faith in man. He is merely a vehicle that God can use if those of us who are called to His work in the earth are obedient to the call. We cannot depend on the natural, but the supernatural strength of God to help this country.

In this season, we must remember (no matter who you voted for) that God's people must unite and lift all our leaders in prayer. After all, none of them have confessed a life of holiness or run for office based on a biblical agenda. We, on the other hand, have made a vow to serve God first, and we are commanded to pray for our leaders! Our prayers... our faith... that's what moves God and that is what will spark a better nation for our children.

God has blessed America in so many ways, and I look forward to the next 4 years. I look forward to it, however, with a sober mind. We understand there is a battle to fight, and the children of God know how to plant attacks in the spirit realm!

So, I rejoice and vow to pray for the spiritual revival that with spark the natural change America so desperately needs in this season!


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Congratulations to Barack Obama!

44th President of the United States of America

Join me in praying for our new president as we continue to pray for the USA.
May God continue to bless America!

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance (Psalm 33:12)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

You can vote however you like - Students of the Ron Clark Academy

This is the cutest! Surely, America can use better education and more kids who enjoy learning.

The Wisdom of Men Shall Perish

Isaiah 29
13 And the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips but remove their hearts and minds far from Me, and their fear and reverence for Me are a commandment of men that is learned by repetition [without any thought as to the meaning],
14 Therefore, behold! I will again do marvelous things with this people, marvelous and astonishing things; and the wisdom of their wise men will perish, and the understanding of their discerning men will vanish or be hidden.
15 Woe to those who [seek to] hide deep from the Lord their counsel, whose deeds are in the dark, and who say, Who sees us? Who knows us?
16 [Oh, your perversity!] You turn things upside down! Shall the potter be considered of no more account than the clay? Shall the thing that is made say of its maker, He did not make me; or the thing that is formed say of him who formed it, He has no understanding?

No more lip service! Even in the midst of trouble, who will stand? So many of us confess Christ with our lips. We say we a living lives of faith. We claim to believe the word of God, yet our hearts are removed from the Father. God is seeking, in this hour, the remnant that know His voice. He is calling to the forefront those who know His heart and mind. Even now, religion and divine relationship are on the threshing floor. A great separation is taking place. God is calling forth those who are faithful to Him. He is calling forth those who are not caught up in idolatry.

The Lord is speaking to those who claim salvation, but are only as close to God as they are to a man. Too many in the Body of Christ have become separated from the Father, but have a false sense of security due to allegiance to flesh! Literally, people of God are worshipping people week after week, but missing God. As stated in Isaiah 29, so it is today. People of God, many of us are more attentive to the commandments of men than the commandments of God. We are doing what we’ve been taught by organized religion, but have never inquired of the Father, what is it that YOU desire of me? Our pastors are taken care of. Our families are prospering. We love on our leaders, but our relationship with God has waxed cold.

In this season, God will be God. Many of us have watched notorious leaders fall and fail in many ways. We have pointed fingers in many directions. Yet, God is saying that He has allowed the exposure. He is allowing the wisdom of who we consider wise to fail. The Father is showing His people that we must return to our first love. Faith in men will always bring disappointment, but God is faithful!

Despite our positions or titles, we must humble ourselves and always put God first. Too many of us, as leaders, are taking the glory for ourselves. We are only ambassadors in this earth, not worthy of any praise or worship. That honor belongs to God. Our good works must be motivated by a desire to bring Him glory.

So, there is a prophetic word of warning on today. Humble yourself, that God may lift you up. To those who have allowed yourselves to become idols, repent and direct the honor to God. The creation is NEVER greater than the creator, and our Creator is a jealous God. Woe to those who receive gifts and honor, but fail to teach and direct the sheep. Woe to those who value their status more than the salvation of their followers. Woe to those who receive what belongs to God. Too many shepherds are scattering sheep by failing in the ministry of reconciliation. We must preach the Gospel and call the people to repentance. No more compromise. In this hour, God will shake the earth, and all things done in the dark shall come to light. Idols shall be exposed, and those who call on the name of the Lord will be tested in this season. Who will stand when opposition comes and the pastor/leader/idol is not able to save? Do not be caught unaware.

2 Timothy 3:5
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

James 1:22
But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Vision of Washington, DC

As I was praying this evening, the Lord allowed me to see a vision. There was a great cloud and stronghold over Washington, D.C. There was a great wind that blew, representing an upset and turmoil in this country. As I looked more closely, I literally saw imps blowing on the White House. They blew on the economy and blew on the pride of the American people. They were setting into motion a strategic, demonic plan to attack the nation. God began to show me that the attack is not on Americans so much as against His people in this country. As the attack went forth, God begant to show me that His people are wearing their faith on the sleeve of their finances. So, as the nation is being attacked, so many of His people are falling prey.

People of God, we must understand - this fight is not against your finances. You are not fighting for your jobs or for your well-being. This is a spiritual attack. Even when 9/11 ocurred, there was a new level of spiritual warfare that was released into the atmosphere. We cannot lose focus. God is saying, Open your eyes and discern! The enemy is succeeding by taking our eyes off the real battle. He has distracted God's people, and we must refocus.

Even this presidential election has concentrated so much on the "middle class." This includes those who lived by faith for so long. Why have we so easily forgotten?

Oh, I see the demonic activity in the air. It is permeating through the air and suppressing the people of God. We must break through. Prayer and fasting must go forth. I see the spirits blowing on God's people. This is war. This is a spiritual attack - it is only manifested in the natural. There is no bail-out plan that can save. There is no president that can redeem. The people of God must rise up and get on assignment. The enemy is the prince of this atmosphere, and he has released the command to war. Stand, people of God. Stand in this season. Stay on your faces before God in prayer. Turn down your plates and repent. Do not be discouraged. Do not fear. Do not fall into the snare of the enemy. He is blowing and setting his plan into motion. He is waiting for the desperate to run to his trap and forget their God. No fear. Stand. No fear. Stand.


Deliverance Ministry

To GOD be the glory!

For many days now, God has been speaking to me about the ministry of deliverance and the gift of discernment. This is a season, in the Body of Christ, where God's people are being deceived on a very large level. In general, the people of God do not understand the spirit realm and the power of demonic influence.

In order for us to cast out demons, we must first recognize them. We need to understand the difference between the flesh and spiritual influence.

God is directing us, people of God, to sharpen our gifts. There is a generation of prophets, specifically seers, who are armed with discernment and must be used. God has raised them up for His use in this season. It is so important that we not be moved and awed by signs and wonders, but recognize and know the spirit and the voice of God.

I encourage each of us to pray and ask God to sharpen our discernment. There is a great hoax being played on the church, and the enemy is rejoicing in our ignorance and confusion. Seers, come forth! People of God, stand and do not run from the enemy or his imps. You have been given power over them, and many require deliverance.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Can You be Questioned?

But in your hearts set Christ apart as holy [and acknowledge Him] as Lord. Always be ready to give a logical defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope that is in you, but do it courteously and respectfully (1 Pet 3:15) AMP

Can you be questioned? There is a spirit of pride that has risen up in the Body of Christ. For some reason, many of us feel we are “above“ being questioned. So many times, Jesus answered questions of those who followed Him, as well as those who challenged. We must remember that we are here to be teachers and ambassadors of Christ. Not only will we be questioned, but we must be ready to provide answers respectfully and wisely, at all times!

Can you be questioned? In the same manner, do you know leaders who cannot be questioned? Be cautious of those who always challenge, but cannot be challenged... those who demand, but cannot be asked... those who teach, but cannot be taught...

Of course, when we question others, it should be done with respect. However, none of us are obsolete from correction. We will all be challenged at some point concerning the things of faith. When that time comes, we must be ready! After all, knowing how great God is, why would we withhold such a testimony from others? Zeal for the things of God will excite us about any opportunity to talk about the things of God. It was during times of adversity that Peter shared his most powerful and convicting sermons. It was when he was questioned and challenged in his faith that conviction was stirred and repentance obtained. Selah.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Imitators of God

Ephesians 5:1
Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.

God has blessed me with two children – an 8-year-old little boy and a 4-year-old little girl. My son looks like me and has my temperament, but my daughter is almost an exact reflection of me. She copies my every move, looks exactly like I did at her age, and acts at 4, just like me at 32 in many ways. She’s a well-behaved child, but very mature in her thinking. She’s literally like a mini-Joy walking around. Every day, she wants to carry my purse, play in my shoes, and do her hair like mine. She studies me, prays like me, and even tries to preach like me in front on the mirror. She tries to imitate my worship and dances like me. She is such a student of everything I do, and while I want her to have her own personality, it is quite an honor to have someone who admires me the way she does.

As I look at my daughter, I understand more our Father’s desire for us to imitate Him. As believers, we often claim that God does not want to change our personalities. We often teach that He can use us just where we are. Well, that’s true to a point, but repentance does both merit and require change. The church is in a season where we have simply spiritualized the FLESH. Everything is “deep“ these days. Very simply put, God wants us to imitate Him as His children. That means we should love Him and take on His character, His fruit, His way of doing things. Flesh has to die!

So many of us are claiming that God is our Father, but we simply don’t look like Him. We don’t speak the way He speaks. We don’t act the way He acts. We say we have accepted Christ as our Savior, but we haven’t modeled our ministries after His. We don’t share His priorities. We don’t consult the Father as He did, and most of all, we refuse to suffer for the Gospel’s sake, though we have been instructed to take up our crosses and follow Him!

Whose shoes are we really walking in? Children do imitate their parents, both spiritually and naturally. Who are we really reflecting in this season? Imitating the flesh is not of God, but imitating God is His desire for us. Preaching like your pastor doesn’t make one look like God. Wearing the same suit as the elders in your congregation doesn’t make one look like God. It’s bearing the fruit of the Spirit that make us look like God. As Christians, have we become more patient, more loving and more kind? Or, are we still hateful, attempting to cover up our meanness as a deep prophetic judgment? Are we really more patient and longsuffering, or are we impatient and demanding, covering up as a leader trying to train others for service? Father, help us to see ourselves as YOU see us! Selah.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Prophetic Word for the "Successful" in Ministry

God is speaking to the Body of Christ. For too long, we have utilized ministry for our own gain. God is not pleased when we set other idols before Him, even when that idol is SELF.

Please, all who are in ministry, watch this video in its entirety and check yourself. We are our brother's keeper, and God is speaking to the Body.

Prophetic Music by Jason Upton
"Dying Star"

Prophetic Word for the "Successful" in Ministry

Almost every day, I receive messages in my mailbox with instructions to "pass it on." Some are political warnings, that generally turn out to be false. Others are prosperity messages that promise a massive payout depending on the number of message recipients. Still others have instructions to pray, only so that a financial miracle can take place.

Well, this message is different. This message is a word of warning for all of us who are in ministry. God is speaking to HIS people about our motives and our misunderstanding of TRUE MINISTRY. Ministry is not a means to our own selfish ends. Nor is it a ticket to fame and fortune. God is still looking for HOLINESS, SACRIFICE and LOVE.

He is disappointed, because He's given us so many ways to prepare for the return of Christ, but we are missing the assignment. Look at all our websites - bios and calendars, but rarely do we see a true Gospel message. We have broadcasts on the Word Network, TBN and our local cable channels. But rather than preach salvation, we take that opportunity to sell products and run commercials about our fundraising conferences. God, have mercy on us!

Please watch the attached video in its entirety, especially if you respect and consider me a friend. Understand that God has called each of us for a specific purpose - one of those is to be our brother's keeper. That's why we must share this prophetic message. Rather than promising a dollar for every person you forward this to or a miracle by mail, I can promise you this - In sharing this message, you will wash the blood off your hands for someone who needs a reminder directly from the throne room of God. So, please forward it on to all you know who are in ministry, and lift them in prayer as you are doing so. The motive, this time, is not a game nor a gimmick - just to redirect our focus to giving GOD the glory.

Be blessed!


Your sister in Christ,
Joy Allen

Friday, September 26, 2008

Just a word of encouragement...

I made some mistakes this week. I exercised some poor judgment. While it was not blatant, purposeful sin, I did not do the right thing. I must give God the glory that He is due. Even when we miss the mark, His love covers us.

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and thier righteousness is of me, saith the LORD (Isaiah 54:17).

I thank God that nothing formed against his servants shall prosper – even when we may be wrong. So often, we feel that God will forsake us due to every little error or mistake. That’s not the loving nature of our Father toward those who truly have a heart to serve Him and bear the fruit of true servants.

Today, I rejoice knowing that my righteousness is of the Lord. It does not depend on my level of perfection. Hallelujah! And just because I belong to God, those influenced by the enemy have no power to judge or take action against me – not even in speech! Saints of God, be encouraged on today. God is showing Himself strong in this hour, and He wants glory in this earth. We must understand that He will cover us for His own name’s sake. What a mighty God we serve! I have seen God move in a brand new light this week, and I am amazed. Even in our own mistakes, He covers us and allows no room for the enemy to judge.

My prayer is often that God keep me from ever being a reproach to the Body of Christ. I am realizing more and more that everything works for the good of them that love God and are called according to His purpose. Can I encourage you today to walk boldly in this promise?


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Breath of Life International Church

Join me, Prophet Joy Allen, for service! Call (919) 448-8198 for more information!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Could Your "Help" be Keeping You from Your Destiny in God?

John 18:10-11

10 Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant and cut off his right ear. The servant's name was Malchus. 11 Therefore, Jesus said to Peter, Put the sword [back] into the sheath! The cup which My Father has given Me, shall I not drink it?

What is REALLY keeping you from your destiny in God?

When Jesus was betrayed, the Bible tells us that Simon Peter, probably in his anger, drew a sword to avenge Jesus. He wanted to protect his teacher from harm. What Simon didn’t realize is that Jesus had a calling to fulfill. Jesus’ rebuke to Simon Peter served as a reminder that he should not interfere with God’s work, no matter how it may look.

Oftentimes, leaders have a hard time allowing their “sheep” to go through trials in order to achieve what God has ordained for them. It’s so easy to reach out and protect others without seeking God for His will. In the same manner, we are often angry toward our leaders when they seem not to protect us from trials and hardships. Yet, we rarely consider they are simply allowing us to go through a process that God has designed for His glory and our benefit.

Where has God been cut off in your life? As I read this Scripture this morning, the Father reminded me that “Sometimes divine intervention is no intervention at all! My intervention is making sure that no flesh saves you from the situation I have created for you!”

Oh, we are all guilty – when a situation seems inevitable, but takes a surprising turn, we call that a miracle and automatically assume that it was God. Yet, when a bad situation simply takes its course, we rarely assume that God’s will was in the thing at all. We forget that a testimony alone can bring God glory.

What is HIS will for your life today? Perhaps what you’re going through is precisely what God ordained for this season, and proof of God’s hand on your life. Selah.

Monday, September 08, 2008

For this very purpose...

John 12
27 Now My soul is troubled and distressed, and what shall I say? Father, save Me from this hour [of trial and agony]? But it was for this very purpose that I have come to this hour [that I might undergo it]. 28 [Rather, I will say,] Father, glorify (honor and extol) Your [own] name! Then there came a voice out of heaven saying, I have already glorified it, and I will glorify it again.

Did you know that your purpose will bring you trouble? What are you dealing with today that is designed to bring God glory? We're not talking about the troubles we bring upon ourselves, but the true sacrifice we must give for the Gospel's sake. Have you really suffered to bring God glory? Did your "yes" include any and everything that will bring Him glory, despite your own pain and agony?

For many of us, these moments are few and far between. We speak often of suffering, without realizing that our current situation doesn't glorify God at all. Is He getting the glory? Does the testimony cause deliverance for others? Have you really suffered today?


Monday, September 01, 2008

REPOST: Preparation for the Proper Foundation

For the last month, God has been dealing with me about worship. The clarion call for His people in this season is to develop relationship with the Father. So, many of us have focused on worship and intimacy with Him. Yet, God has even more to say to His people. Hallelujah! I am so thankful for a Father who chastises those He loves!

During these last few weeks, the Lord has been dealing with me through the book of Ezra. Of course, I found this very interesting. Many of us NEVER pay any attention to this book, yet it offers so much insight on true worship and dedication to the Father. The book begins with a decree from Cyrus, the King, to build a house for God in Jerusalem. So, he instructs the Jews who remain after the Babylonian captivity to go back to the holy city and build a temple to Jehovah. Cyrus gathers all the temple materials that were brought out of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar during the capture of Jerusalem. Until this day, they were used in the temple of idols for the worship of false gods.

Now, just in this little bit of information shared during the first chapter, the Lord began to speak to me. So many of us often quote that we are “taking back what the devil stole from us.” The Lord showed me that a season of restoration is coming forth, but not as we may expect. “The church has allowed the world to steal from ME,” said God. This stung me when I first heard it, but God began to show me even more. The basins, bowls, vessels, jewels and fine metals that were stolen from the temple in Jerusalem were all commanded and ordained for worship. They WERE NOT FOR THE PEOPLE, but they were brought into the temple to bring glory to the Father. In the church, HOLINESS has been stolen by the world. The church has allowed the world to dictate music, to dictate the order of service. The pulpit has become a political platform, a fundraising podium and a comic relief, rather than a station for the dissemination of God’s Word. The church bows to the world and allows it to dictate song and dance. My God! How many more preachers will start service at 11:00 and end by noon, just in time to catch the game? “Holiness,” says the Lord, “is being restored.” Church, no longer can we allow the world to dictate how we serve our God. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

In the second chapter of Ezra, a count is taken of all those who returned to Jerusalem. In addition, a determination of the priestly lineage was also determined. Though they were all CALLED back to the holy city, not all were CHOSEN to take of the priestly sacraments. Again, God is speaking. Those who were of priestly lineage, but had taken spouses of unholy nations, no longer found their names in the book of the priests. Saints of God, we cannot expect to do what we wish and return to God desiring the same position and the same anointing. The day has come when some will need to SIT DOWN. God is not using everybody. This is a season where gifts and talent alone will not suffice. The Father is raising up those who have a heart for Him. He is anointing the lips of those who desire to worship rather than those that can just sing. He’s anointing the feet of those ready to dance in battle rather than those who have professional training, but no anointing. Yes, get ready for the shift. The world’s ways will no longer dictate the move of God’s people.

As chapter 3 opens, the Word says the people gathered together as “one man.” Glory to God! Unity is restored. Once again, God’s people came together with one mind and a willingness to move on one accord. Unity is being restored to the Body of Christ. Hallelujah! Now, take note of what happens next…

Ezra 3:2 Then stood up Jeshua son of Jozadak, and his brethren the priests, and Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, and his brethren, and they built the altar of the God of Israel to offer burnt offerings upon it, as it is written in the instructions of Moses the man of God.
Ezra 3:3 And they set the altar [in its place] upon its base, for fear was upon them because of the peoples of the countries; and they offered burnt offerings on it to the Lord morning and evening.
Ezra 3:4 They kept also the Feast of Tabernacles, as it is written, and offered the daily burnt offerings by number according to the ordinances, as each day's duty required,
Ezra 3:5 And after that, the continual burnt offering, the offering at the New Moon, and at all the appointed feasts of the Lord, and the offerings of everyone who made a freewill offering to the Lord.
Ezra 3:6 From the first day of the seventh month they began to offer burnt offerings to the Lord, but the foundation of the temple of the Lord was not yet laid.

Notice that the altar was built before the temple. Not only that, but the altar was built BEFORE THE FOUNDATION WAS LAID. Oh, God really dealt with me about this. He said the problem with many “church folk” is that we are standing on foundations that were built outside of worship! My God! I had to ask the Lord what He meant. He showed me that most of us still rely on tradition and religion. We still depend on what we were taught my grandmother and granddaddy. We are more devoted to the church body than we are to Him. We’re more concerned about the denomination than the souls of His people. Instead of changing what we think and believe, we want God to conform to the mold we have created for Him. Why? Because a foundation has been laid that was never destroyed. Yes, some of us need to throw out all our ideas. Lay down the titles. Throw out the denominations. Put away the tradition and superstition. JUST SEEK GOD. This is a season for NEW REVELATION. Religion is being challenged…not to create strife, but to bring us into a new season with the Father.

Even in our personal ministries and endeavors, God is saying “Worship me before you lay a foundation. Seek me before you begin to build.” People of God, we must be so careful in this season to keep our motives pure. This is not the time to make any decision without seeking the Father. Even if a thing seems good, do not establish anything before seeking God. We do not have time to build temples in which the Father refuses to dwell. How many times will we establish ministries, set up boards, create activities and take part in events without seeking God first? Why do we insist on completing our own agendas, then “inviting God in?” No. Invite Him first, and let Him tell His people what to build. Just as the people did in this passage of Scripture, we must build the altar first. Worship. Seek God. Then, build a foundation. Last, build the temple. The established work comes at the end, not the beginning. Yes, Lord!

Ezra 3:10 And when the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the Lord, the priests stood in their vestments with trumpets, and the Levite sons of Asaph with their cymbals, to praise the Lord, after the order of David king of Israel.
Ezra 3:11 They sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to the Lord, saying, For He is good, for His mercy {and} loving-kindness endure forever toward Israel. And all the people shouted with a great shout when they praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid!

After the altar was erected, and the worship was accepted by the Father, the foundation was laid. The people knew it was accepted by the Father because their offerings had been received, not rejected. Therefore, praise was in order when the foundation was laid. People of God, when we get into God’s will, the works we complete for His kingdom will ignite praise rather than strife…unity rather than confusion. To GOD be the glory!

Ezra 4:1 NOW WHEN [the Samaritans] the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin heard that the exiles from the captivity were building a temple to the Lord, the God of Israel,
Ezra 4:2 They came to Zerubbabel [now governor] and to the heads of the fathers' houses and said, Let us build with you, for we seek {and} worship your God as you do, and we have sacrificed to Him since the days of Esarhaddon king of Assyria, who brought us here.
Ezra 4:3 But Zerubbabel and Jeshua and the rest of the heads of fathers' houses of Israel said to them, You have nothing to do with us in building a house to our God; but we ourselves will together build to the Lord, the God of Israel, as King Cyrus, the king of Persia, has commanded us.
Ezra 4:4 Then [the Samaritans] the people of the land [continually] weakened the hands of the people of Judah and troubled {and} terrified them in building
Ezra 4:5 And hired counselors against them to frustrate their purpose {and} plans all the days of Cyrus king of Persia, even until the reign of Darius [II] king of Persia.

Now, don’t be surprised when the enemy sees the success and tries to get his hand in God’s work. This is where so many of us miss it. Some of us are going to have ministries coming forth with a success like never before. People with a true heart for God are gathering and getting works completed for God’s glory. Beware of allowing the world to take part and corrupt the work. Saints, this is a season when you may have to turn help away. You may have to deny the loan from the bank that supports homosexuality. You may have to tell your sister or brother in the natural that they can’t preach in the pulpit until their lives become holy. Jesus said that his followers would have to deny mother, father, sister and brother for His sake. That time has come. No unholy thing should touch what God has anointed to be built. This is the season of HARD DECISIONS, yet holiness cannot be compromised. Many must sit down and be turned away…OR EXPOSED.

As the book of Ezra concludes, we see that many years pass before the temple is finally built. Opposition comes in many different forms, delaying the building of the temple on numerous occasions. God is telling His people not to be discouraged. No matter how long it may take a thing to be established, as long as the pure worship, in spirit and in truth, is not quenched, the battle has not been lost. The enemy is bringing forth an attack as many of us have never seen before. Be prepared to STAND.

Most importantly, always build the altar before setting a foundation. Any foundation set on anything other than relationship with God will either fall or serve as the base to another altar that must be torn down! If disobedient, do not be upset when God’s people bring exposure and destruction to the work created in idolatry. To God be the glory!

Handwriting on the Wall

Daniel 5
1Belshazzar the king made a great feast to a thousand of his lords, and drank wine before the thousand.
2Belshazzar, whiles he tasted the wine, commanded to bring the golden and silver vessels which his father Nebuchadnezzar had taken out of the temple which was in Jerusalem; that the king, and his princes, his wives, and his concubines, might drink therein.
3Then they brought the golden vessels that were taken out of the temple of the house of God which was at Jerusalem; and the king, and his princes, his wives, and his concubines, drank in them.
4They drank wine, and praised the gods of gold, and of silver, of brass, of iron, of wood, and of stone

Belshazzar ruled Babylon after his grandfather, Nebuchadnezzar. Instead of learning from Nebuchadnezzar’s mistakes and repentance, however, Belshazzar continued in the same destructive path of disobedience, idol worship and disrespect toward God and the holy vessels set aside for His worship.

Belshazzar commanded a feast, during which he and his associates further defiled the holy vessels that were removed from the temple at Jerusalema by Nebuchadnezzar years before. Isn’t it strange that the same thing is taking place in America today? Not only are we experiencing disrespect and defilement on a new level, but even in the church, respect for the holy things of God seems to have dwindled.

As I read this Scripture, God began to remind me of all the things we once reverenced as holy. Do you remember the days that children couldn’t walk in a pulpit? How about the time when no matter what you were doing, you would stop and give respect to any minister who walked in the room? I remember when no one would dare send a dirty joke to a man or woman of God. Now, everything is “allowed“. It seems very little is sacred and set apart.

Even in the Church, we have taken the very things that were meant to bring God glory, and used them for our own entertainment. Marriage is no longer sacred. When it becomes inconvenient, even the church will condone divorce or same-sex unions. Even the very word of God, once reverenced and counted holy, is now used by many as the next ticket to big money. Our choirs once honored God and demanded a presence of holiness. Now, it seems you can rarely tell the difference between the latest R&B hit and a praise or worship song. We have stolen the sacred things and used them for our gain.

Rather keeping things of God holy, we have begun to worship the fruit of our own hands. Many of us worship church, rather than God. Rather than speaking of God, we boast of our own creations - the works we've built and the "good deeds" we feel we've done. We honor our leaders to the point of idolatry, but have no real relationship with God. In the Scripture, we see the people honored the gods of gold and silver. It’s so easy to see their idolatry, yet we don’t discern our own. God, have mercy on the church! Even in the midst of this, the Father is speaking a word of rebuke and correction unto the Body of Christ.

5In the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand, and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaister of the wall of the king's palace: and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote.
6Then the king's countenance was changed, and his thoughts troubled him, so that the joints of his loins were loosed, and his knees smote one against another.
7The king cried aloud to bring in the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers. And the king spake, and said to the wise men of Babylon, Whosoever shall read this writing, and shew me the interpretation thereof, shall be clothed with scarlet, and have a chain of gold about his neck, and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom.
8Then came in all the king's wise men: but they could not read the writing, nor make known to the king the interpretation thereof.

If we don’t remember anything else, we must always be reminded that God is in control! We cannot escape Him, and He will not forsake His children. In the midst of the king’s blatant disrespect for God, the Father showed up. The Bible says that God wrote a message on the wall, yet no one could read or interpret what it said.

I hear God saying this is the state of His church today. His word is true, and declares “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets“ (Amos 3:7). Yet, it seems the church is caught unaware. Many of us know “something“ is happening. We see the signs and we can “feel“ something in the atmosphere. The new “church“ word is SHIFT. We can feel the “shift“, but there seems to be no one who can tell us exactly what it is. Rather than looking inward to find out why we are missing it, we persecute the voices that speak forth the word of God...in the church! Yes, once again – disrespect for the holy things AND PEOPLE of God.

17Then Daniel answered and said before the king, Let thy gifts be to thyself, and give thy rewards to another; yet I will read the writing unto the king, and make known to him the interpretation.

When the king finally sought the man of God who could provide the interpretation that was needed, he was certainly shocked that Daniel declined to receive his gifts and rewards. Unlike Daniel, so many of us are on an assignment for our bank accounts rather than an assignment for God. Daniel’s obedience to the Father was not dependent on an honorarium or keys to the church vehicle. While those things were offered, he refused the distraction from his assignment. To GOD be the glory! When he did not accept the gifts from those in rebellion, he had no loyalty to those who were rebellious. Too many of us are benefiting from the world, so we find it hard to preach against worldly ways. Oh, it’s hard to preach against divorce when we don’t love our own husbands. It’s hard to preach against illegal activity when we depend on the drug dealers’ offerings every week. Many of us don’t want to share the rebuke in the churches that “bless us well“. After all, we may not be invited back. This is why it’s so important not to turn ministry into a business. Our loyalty is to the Father, and only by obedience to Him will lives be changed by His people.

25And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.
26This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it.
27TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
28PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.

This is where we are, Body of Christ. God is speaking. He is providing the signs, but we are not understanding. The prophets are speaking, but their voices are not being heard by the Church. Judgment is upon the land. The Body is at a place, just like Belshazzar, that we are always seeking out a word and an interpretation instead of seeking God. If there is no relationship, one will be in the same position as this king – searching for a truth by the mouth of a man. God’s prophets are not for entertainment. Frankly, when a prophet must be sought out, a problem exists.

There is writing on the wall for the American church. Can you read it?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Coming Soon - Breath of Life International Church

Coming Soon!
Breath of Life International Church
Prophet Joy Allen, Pastor

For More Information, Call 1-877-570-2350

Monday, August 18, 2008

Apostle Monica Sweeney (Knowing the Holy Ghost)

I was blessed and privileged to attend the Shake the Nations International Ministries Conference this weekend. The theme was "Holy Ghost Fire," and I received an impartation such as never before. I thank God for this ministry and for Apostle Monica Sweeney, Prophet Kimberly Turner and Apostle Glendora Winston.

To GOD be the glory!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

For My Good (for HIS Glory)!

This song has been my testimony so many times over. God always gets the glory!

Friday, August 08, 2008

Pray...and Fast... Then DO Something!

Numbers 25:6-13 (Amplified Bible)
6 And behold, one of the Israelites came and brought to his brethren a Midianite woman in the sight of Moses and of all the congregation of Israel while they were weeping at the door of the Tent of Meeting [over the divine judgment and the punishment].
7 And when Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he rose up from the midst of the congregation and took a spear in his hand
8 And went after the man of Israel into the inner room and thrust both of them through, the man of Israel and the woman through her body. Then the [smiting] plague was stayed from the Israelites.
9 Nevertheless those who died in the [smiting] plague were 24,000.
10 And the Lord said to Moses,
11 Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, has turned my wrath away from the Israelites, in that he was jealous with My jealousy among them, so that I did not consume the Israelites in My jealousy.
12 Therefore say, Behold, I give to Phinehas the priest My covenant of peace.
13 And he shall have it, and his descendants after him, the covenant of an everlasting priesthood, because he was jealous for his God and made atonement for the Israelites.

How much sin can we see and tolerate in the Body of Christ? Phinehas is the grandson of a priest – one who does not have a title, but understands his heritage and lineage in God. As I read this Scripture, I could imagine the same scenario in modern terms.

There is pestilence in the land. A curse has come upon God’s people because of sin. As the congregation gathers to pray and cry out to God, one named Phinehas sees sin literally walk into the door and decides to take a stand. Oftentimes, in the Body of Christ, it’s so easy for us to turn away. We use prayer and fasting as an excuse not to act or rebuke.

Phinehas decides to react differently. Instead of crying another tear or screaming another moan of lamentation, he takes up a weapon and attacks the sin the midst of the act. He attacked the sin at its root, and killed the perpetrators. Because of his actions, which would be considered nothing more than rebellion in this season, the Bible tells us that God stayed the plague and gave Phinehas the covenant of peace. Not only that, but he has now established an everlasting priesthood.

People of God, this is a season when God is looking for ACTION. Some of us are praying and fasting when God has already requested action. There are some natural things God is looking for from a people who are hiding behind spiritual things. If we would be honest, how can we handle spiritual battles when we cannot even respond to a natural stimulus? Our weapons are not carnal, but our influence is. Oh, who will stand for God after the service is over? When the praise and the worship has ceased, who will make a difference in the world? God is looking to establish a covenant, but He wants His people to DO SOMETHING.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The TRUTH About Armorbearers and Adjutants

For the past two weeks, God has really been speaking to me and showing me the TRUTH about Armorbearers and Adjutants. I've seen the abuse and lies that surround this position, and I have a heavy burden on my heart to spread the truth! What is an Armorbearer? What is their "ordained" place in ministry? Who should be an Armorbearer?

Last night, the Lord allowed me to air a radio broadcast over BlogTalkRadio. The Cry Aloud, Spare Not! Radio Ministry Broadcast dealt very candidly with the topic of ordained servanthood. I am fully aware that this word is not be a popular one, but I must speak what thus says the LORD. If you or someone you know would be interested or affected by this topic, please tune in to the recorded audio broadcast by clicking the link below.

Remember, you shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free! Blessings!


Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Difficult Assignment

During a time of prayer tonight, the Lord took me up into a vision. In the vision, I began to almost float down a long road filled with dreams. I saw big cars, big houses and bright sunshine. At one point, I saw a long river with snow-capped mountains on the other side of the water. Eventually, I was lead into a huge sanctuary. It was divinely decorated with jewels and fine stones. The people were rejoicing. Everyone was full of joy. The people had no burdens. They were full of hope.

As I looked closer, I saw that the people were looking at a huge stage. Their visions and dreams for this world were being portrayed on a stage. It looked so real. Everything that anyone would desire was flashing before their eyes - money, security, health, spouses. The people were reaching out for these things. While they gathered in God's name, they did not come to meet Him. Instead, they came only to be entertained by what they thought they could gain FROM Him. As the people rejoiced in what I first thought to be praise, God spoke and instructed me to walk up on the stage.

I was terrified. The people were being entertained by visions of their blessings. As I walked onto the stage, God enabled my arms to grow. He told me to tear down the vision, as it was not of Him. It was a false hope based on the promises of the false prophets. I timidly walked on the stage, and was amazed at this screen. It was mesmerizing, and looked like reality or at least the hope of something very real. I was the only one who could tell it was just a screen, not real life.

As I stretched my hands, I felt the power of God come over me, and I simply pushed down the set. There were ladders and wood behind it. The people began to fight and scream when they saw their vision was nothing more than entertainment. A riot broke out, and I heard the Lord say, "This is how you will know they do have no relationship with me. They will have an anger toward you, because you have spoken on My behalf."

I distinctly heard God say, before I came out of the vision, that I must begin to knock down the entertainment and the false dreams that are not of Him. My hands are anointed for this purpose. "They are not worshipping Me," He said. "The are worshipping only a false promise of what they believe I will give them. Rather than using faith to please Me, they use faith for personal gain."

A difficult assignment lies ahead. Selah.

Friday, July 18, 2008

What are you afraid of?

Last night, I was speaking with one of my "little sisters" in the LORD. God began to minister to her (and me) about how we often fear things He has not even called us to. The Word of God instructs us not to be anxious for tomorrow. It will certainly take care of itself. Yet, we spend so much time and energy worrying about what may come.

I'm reminded that as believers, our steps are ordered by God. So, how much do we really trust Him? Whether or not that trial comes tomorrow, do I believe that God has ordered my steps for whatever destiny may arise? So many of us are killing our own faith by expecting the negative in every situation. Oh, if only God's people knew the Father's heart toward us.

My prayer today is that God would help me to trust Him more. If only I can get past the worrying and just trust God. Whatever my destiny may be, if I am led of Him, it is allowed and ordained by He who will never leave nor forsake me. Oh, the comfort in knowing we belong to Him!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How Long Will You Follow?

Matthew 15
32 Then Jesus called his disciples unto him, and said, I have compassion on the multitude, because they continue with me now three days, and have nothing to eat: and I will not send them away fasting, lest they faint in the way.
33 And his disciples say unto him, Whence should we have so much bread in the wilderness, as to fill so great a multitude?
34 And Jesus saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? And they said, Seven, and a few little fishes.
35 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground.
36 And he took the seven loaves and the fishes, and gave thanks, and brake them, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.
37 And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets full.
38 And they that did eat were four thousand men, beside women and children.


God has been asking me this question for two weeks, as I am seeing so much in myself concerning servant hood. I must be honest - I have always thought of myself as a good "follower", but I can see that God is taking me to another level. He is demanding more of me, and as He chastises me, I see where I have been weak in following the leaders God has placed over my life.

It's interesting how we operate in ministry. The goal seems to be to secure your "own" ministry and make your "own" calling known. Yet, we so often forget the BODY. Alone, we cannot glorify God to the fullest. It takes the entire Body, fitly joined together, to complete the work. One can put a thousand to flight, but two - ten thousand!

How long will you follow?

As I read the Scripture over and over, the Lord began to speak to me about the multitude that followed Jesus. These were a group of people who were so eager to be fed spiritually, that they followed a controversial leader and were faithful to follow Him, even when they weren't fed for three days. Now, this crowd was not intentionally fasting. Yet they continued with Jesus as He did the work of the ministry.

If we would be honest, so many of us would not follow God for three days if He didn't feed, cloth and take care of us. We certainly have a problem following a man or woman of God who has been assigned over our lives if we feel we have no TANGIBLE benefit! If the crowd was concerned about their own well being more than obedience and ministry, they would have never witnessed one of the greatest miracles mentioned in the Scriptures. How much have you missed because you refused to follow? Selah.

I will be the first to admit - I have doubted leaders who could seemingly minister to everyone except those who were closest to them. Yes, I have resented some leaders when they took care of everyone else, but didn't seem to notice my struggle. However, I had a mind to be faithful and obedient to God. What happened? Miracles took place in my life! When I think about it, I wonder how much of God I actually missed because I became too hungry before the manifestation of power!

People of God, we must stop judging the integrity of our leaders, churches, mentors, etc. based on what they can do for us. We are to seek first the Kingdom of God. Then, all the other things shall be added. Our leaders are not perfect, but if we are called to follow, there may be some days of famine. Our loyalty, in those seasons, is first to God. Obedience is better than sacrifice.

What if God told you to follow your leader, but your bills were not paid? How long would you follow?
What is the Lord called you to serve and heal others, while your body remained sick? How long would you follow?
Perhaps God has placed you in a situation where your voice cannot be heard. How long will you follow?

If you are in the center of God's will, he has not forgotten you. Follow until you see God move in your obedience!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

The Holy Outsider (Prophet Joy Allen)

A word for those who dare to take a stand for holiness. If you've been ridiculed because you're simply called to a higher level, this message is for you.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Bishop Bloomer-Bishop's Daugher-Valerie Morrow @ 8am serv.

To GOD be the glory! This is an awesome woman of God. We attended the same church for a few years while I was in college. Powerful and FULL of the Word of God!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

A Word of Prophecy to the USA

The Father spoke the following to me this evening:

I do not desire sackcloth and ashes, nor do I desire your burnt sacrifices. I desire a broken heart and a contrite spirit. My children, pray on behalf of your nation. I am not pleased, because America has set idols before Me. America has a form of godliness, but denies My power. Repentance is what I require. Open your mouth and give warning to them that disobey Me. Speak of My goodness to those who do not believe Me.

America has taken a spirit of pride that shall be brought down. You dwell in a country where a man will die for his flag, but turn away from Me, his God. Where are My martyrs? Where are those who will sacrifice for My glory?

Blow the trumpet and tell the transgressors of their ways. I am not pleased. Wail before Me on behalf of this nation. Consecrate yourselves to be used of Me. This harvest is plenteous, but My laborers in this land are few.

A time is coming where the wailing of mothers will sound great for their children. Do not be alarmed. This nation shall be turned over to a reprobate mind. Lawlessness shall increase and fear shall cover the land, but I will cover those who seek My face. I will not forsake My children in the midst of My judgment.

Psalm 9:17
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

Stand and proclaim My word in the land. Leave the walls of comfort and go into all the world. Proclaim My good works in your dwelling place. Who has rendered you silent? America must hear the prophet’s voice. Who will sound the alarm? Speak My judgment, and I will perform it. I am just and will forgive the repentant heart. Yet, the evil doer shall be exposed and judged, according to My Word.

I see blood on the hands of My servants. The warning has not gone forth. Clean your hands, My people. Proclaim the truth and stand for righteousness. Count your loss as gain for My sake. Stand for Me as your men have stood for your flag. Am I not more glorious? Have I not created the country so many worship? I AM. Yes, even I will bring down this idol.

Where is My praise in this land? Where is My voice among its people?