Friday, December 12, 2014

Who Offended You, Exactly?

Are you confronted or convicted?

In the realm of ministry, I am often confronted by people who are offended by something that is said during the act of sharing God's word.  Unfortunately, there is always someone who takes the message personally or even feels they are purposely being attacked.

While it is not my heart, nor my style, to publicly address private matters, I often wonder if we, as the church, have forgotten about the Holy Spirit.  So often, when we feel guilty within ourselves, we lean to anger and resentment toward a person rather than repentance.

I want to admit something... As a prophet, I often have NO IDEA who God is dealing with when I deliver a corporate message or share a public note.  I simply share what God gives me.  So, when people take it personal, they often profess feelings and actions I was completely unaware of.  If only we knew how much we expose our own guilt in the face of correction!

And another secret... I feel bad when people are offended.  I never seek to personally hurt anyone's feelings, and it's simply against my nature to "blast" someone in public.  However, I can't take it back.  While I didn't mean it personally, perhaps God did.

Here's the heart of the matter... we need to decide, whenever offense comes, the root of our concern.  Should we really be upset with the messenger, or is the Holy Ghost simply using someone to bring conviction to us?

Yes, there are some that are just mean and disrespectful.  They will publish your "dirty laundry" and tear you down in public.  BUT, there are many more men and women of God who would never disrespect or purposely hurt God's people.  So, how can you determine whether your rebuke is spiritual conviction or a personal vendetta?

  1. Check the source.  Do you know the messenger?  Consider their heart... past actions and your relationship (if any) to them.
  2. Is it true?  Enough said.
  3. Has confidentiality been breached?  In other words, if a distant friend or family member heard the same message, would they be able to link it directly to you?  If not, chances are you may be taking things too personal.
  4. Will the correction bring you closer to God?
  5. Is it wise counsel?  Does it make good sense?
  6. Consider the mood and/or demeanor of the messenger and the spirit in which the message is delivered.

Especially in this world of social media, where people are "extra sensitive" to the words of leaders in the church, always looking for something wrong -- we must be careful to discern.  When anger begins to rise... with whom are we really angry?  The messenger or the Holy Ghost?

Just one last note... if you ever feel a message is too personal or used as a weapon, confront the messenger.  Talk it through before taking offense.  Chances are that a misunderstanding has taken place.  Never allow assumption to cause you to miss God!

2 Corinthians 7:8-10, NLT
I am not sorry that I sent that severe letter to you, though I was sorry at first, for I know it was painful to you for a little while. Now I am glad I sent it, not because it hurt you, but because the pain caused you to repent and change your ways. It was the kind of sorrow God wants his people to have, so you were not harmed by us in any way. 10 For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There’s no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death.

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Stop Playing Dead

Last night, I had a dream that spoke volumes to me.  I was running from an attacker who was trying to kill me.  I was so afraid that I never looked to see if he had any weapons.  While I was running, I didn't even know his face… only that I was in danger.

After running for quite some time, I finally ducked into a corner and hid.  The attacker slowed down and began looking for me.  Finally, he found me and pulled me out onto some concrete.  He started kicking me.  I was so afraid that I never even noticed he was unarmed.  So, I played dead, hoping he would spare me, and he did.  Eventually he ran off.

I lay there, playing dead, until police arrived.  With them, of course, was the assailant.  When I looked at him, I knew immediately… he was absolutely NO THREAT.  In fact, if I hadn't run, he would have never chased me.  IT WAS A CASE OF MISTAKEN IDENTITY.  If I'd stood up for myself and allowed him to see my face, he never would have attacked.  He simply thought I was someone else!!!  Now, I was upset and embarrassed.  Why did I run, in the first place?  Why was I afraid?  Why did I give up life, even for a moment, by playing dead?  Why didn't I show him who I was?

The Lord spoke very clearly to me about the same.  He said His people need to stop playing dead.  Within the church walls and without, fear has gripped God’s people, and many are rendering their voices silent due to fear that is unsubstantiated.  Because we are afraid to be judged, afraid someone will not like us, afraid our character will be attacked… we play dead.  Not only are we silent, but we actually act as if we have no anointing, no call and no assignment.

If you are born again, you have a voice that God wants to use.  The Holy Spirit wants to be expressed through us.  Why do we act as if we have nothing to contribute?  For some of us, the enemy has caused us to believe in a threat that isn't even present.  We disobey God because of what MIGHT happen… because of what someone MIGHT do… because of what they MIGHT say or think.

In all actuality, if we would just obey God, others will see HIM in us.  Whether they accept us or not, our willingness to be used of God also guarantees our protection.  Many of us are enduring persecution for all the wrong reasons... simply because people don't know who you are in Christ.  You have been mistaken for someone else... someone who is weak and powerless.  Stop it!

Stop playing dead!!!  Let me help you… DENYING YOUR POWER AND YOUR CALL IS NOT HUMILITY!  You are very much alive.  You have a voice.  You have a call.  You are anointed.  Stop running.  Stop hiding.  Live and share the life that is in you!


Thursday, December 04, 2014

Deception, Even when Justified, is Still a Lie!

We, as leaders in the Church of Jesus Christ, monitor and tailor our messages a lot, based on the fact that some may abuse, twist, or misrepresent what we say. God would remind us that we are NOT called to the disobedient, except to bring correction. We are called to teach and nurture those who hear and obey the voice of God.

I have been "cautioned" many times that people will take my messages and run with them... that I am causing havoc in the church. I've been told by many leaders that while they are aware of the truth about a certain subject, that they can't preach the truth, because the people can't handle it. Deception, even with a justification, is still a lie!

If we are aware of some who will twist and abuse the truth, we need to rebuke those few.  We DO NOT deceive others to keep the exception under control.  That's crazy!

Speak the truth. Let God deal with those who may abuse the message. Stop sacrificing the good of God's remnant out of caution for those who don't obey Him anyway.


Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Hear, Touch and Send!

"One day as these men were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Dedicate Barnabas and Saul for the special work to which I have called them.” So after more fasting and prayer, the men laid their hands on them and sent them on their way."    Acts 13:2-4, NLT

This world has no shortage of anointing and power.  God has done His part by setting aside, calling and empowering a remnant.  Now, we as leaders must do our part.  We need to RELEASE God's weapons in the earth!

We cannot continue to bind who/what has been loosed in the heavens!

I've been guilty, due to tradition and man-made doctrines.  We don't have time to hold up God's plan.  There are too many called and anointed vessels waiting to be SENT.  Let's obey God.  It's not our job to filter those God has called.  We are to confirm it and obey WITHOUT DELAY.  Paul and Barnabas didn't have to wait for papers or a service.  That's luxury, not necessity.  In this season, we don't have time for the "extra."  Lay hands on them and LET THEM GO FORTH in the things of God!

The church should be a turn key organism where people are constantly coming in and being sent out.  Let's go!!!  Selah.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Only One Opinion Really Matters

"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."  Proverbs 14:12

Refrain from making decisions based on the opinions of others.  Oftentimes, we find ourselves looking for a quorum to support the decisions and actions we take without considering the one voice that matters... God's voice!

Of course, God can and will speak through other people.  At the end of the day, however, no matter how many people have given you advice, YOU are accountable for the action you take... YOU ALONE!

So, make sure the voice you obey is that of God.  The vessel doesn't matter, but the message certainly does.  Remember, you can have an overwhelming vote from men and still disappoint God.


Monday, November 17, 2014

Just JOY

I normally don't explain "personal" things on social media, but I do want to address a question here. It's a valid question and one that I feel deserves an explanation.

I've been asked, on a few occasions, whether an academic title is more important than a spiritual one. It was interpreted by some, because I formally sign my name as "Dr. Joy Allen", that I esteem my academic accomplishments above my spiritual gifts and call. I would like to address this question, because I know similar assumptions have been made about other leaders who follow the same practice.

In short, absolutely not! While I worked hard to get through school, my ordained assignment for God is a life-long commitment and privilege... it's my purpose and my destiny. Because it's so significant, I don't necessarily feel that my Kingdom assignments should be diminished to a title.

Those of you who know me well know that I have NEVER been a big fan of titles. Personally, my mother named me 'Joy', and I LOVE MY NAME! I do recognize, however, that titles have their place. They are a part of our culture. In some cases, they are likened unto a hospital sign. People need to know where to go in order to get what they need. On the other hand, the way we typically use titles is not biblical. We all know that. As I said, it's more cultural than necessary.

With that, I do refrain from using a title in many arenas, for many reasons. One very large reason is that people become bound by it. Here's the bottom line... I have to be free to do what God tells me to do, and that assignment may change from day to day or even from moment to moment. I've spent years of my life hearing what I should or shouldn't do because God called me to be this or that. Hog wash! 

For example, if an ordained Evangelist prophesies to someone, they are rebuked for not being a prophet. If an acknowledged Prophet lays hands on believers and sends them on assignment, they are rebuked for not being an apostle. Well, that's error. Have you noticed that those who have no title, or those who simply use their academic titles don't have so much drama with the church? Sad, but true. Who has time for the red tape? I'm not saying we should operate out of order. I'm just saying a title shouldn't perpetuate control. Think about it...

Another reason I often refrain from the use is that titles tend to distance people. When I am ministering to someone, particularly an "unchurched" person, the last thing I want to do is treat them like I'm above them, or otherwise special. No. My job is to relate and build a rapport so I can share the love of God with them. In many of those cases, sharing a title is neither necessary nor appropriate.

For me, my main concern is my assignment. God will grace and gift me to do whatever He requires of me. I don't have time now, nor have I ever, to wait around for someone to give me a piece of paper with another title on it just so I can get to work and obey God. That's not the will of God in any way, form or fashion. The practice of the New Testament church was to hear God, lay hands and send. So, I certainly do believe in spiritual affirmation. That doesn't, however, include the attachment of a title.

So, as strange as it may seem to some, I've found that using "Dr." in some arenas is just easier. It doesn't cause the distractions I often face with having to explain a bunch of stuff. It gives a sense of satisfaction and "authority" for those regular church goers who need to see a title to feel comfortable. However, it doesn't distance those who are uncomfortable with the use of titles. Plus, it's universal. I minister in arenas where pastors are called by their first names, and IT'S NOT CONSIDERED TO BE DISRESPECTFUL. I like that, because I also do not (and never have) subscribe to the belief that the Body of Christ is a hierarchy where leaders, or clergy, are higher or better than the "laity." I don't believe that's the message taught to us by the word of God. We are all children of God, and if truly born-again, we are all co-laborers in Christ... we are ALL called to be ministers of the Gospel, in some capacity.

So, there you have it... the short (or maybe not) version of my decision. Prayerfully, this will give others something to consider and think about. Trust me when I tell you... I honor every assignment God has given me, because He didn't have to choose me at all! Don't put me in a box, because God hasn't. While I certainly have some gifts stronger than others, I've operated as a teacher, an evangelist, a pastor, a prophet and an apostle at different times during my walk (as have most of the true servants of Christ I know). I will continue to serve in any arena God requires.

I'm humbled and thankful for every opportunity to bring God glory. At the end of the day, my name doesn't matter. My title doesn't matter. My ministry spans many different cultures and types of people. I want them all to know and respect God, rather than me. Did God get the glory? That's what matters.

I pray this helps someone. Love ya'll.

from Your Sister in Christ (that's what matters most)
Just JOY 

P.S. -- For the record, I always refer to others in a manner that makes THEM feel respected, title or not. I recommend we all operate that way.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Stop Shooting the Messenger!

Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
Galatians 4:16

As a Christian leader, it's very difficult to deal with the prideful spirit of entitlement that so many carry today.  Constantly, I'm asked how people can draw closer to God... how they can grow spiritually... how they can hear from the Father.  Well, the answer has always been the same.  Like any relationship, one with God requires commitment.  His word commands that we study and meditate on Scripture, spend time with Him in prayer and worship, and fellowship with believers.  Without faith, it's impossible to please Him, and we demonstrate our love for Him by following His commandments.

Yet, just like the slow people in the drive-through at McDonald's, it's as if people are always looking for a different answer... a short cut.  Just like the McDonald's menu, God's word, and His requirements, have been the same since the beginning.  Our lack of desire to discipline ourselves, submit and be accountable will not change His mind.

As the messenger (and that is truly all that I am), I am often the recipient of the anger, bitterness, ridicule and frustration that comes from people who simply don't want to hear the truth.  While I'm not surprised, it does often hurt.  It is very difficult not to take it personal.  It hurts because I truly love people and have a desire to see them grow.  Unfortunately, many choose not to see the same.  Instead, they'd rather compare me to the last leader they had or "just another Christian" who's all about money and trying to make spiritual things diffiult for others.  Why does it have to be that way?  Am I (or any other person) not entitled to being judged by my own fruit or the investments I make in people prior to their point of offense?  Does my being a pastor or leader negate that I too am a person with feelings... an individual desiring love and respect?  Let's remember, we are ALL people, and we must treat one another as we desire to be treated, regardless of one's "position" in the church.

The Kingdom of God, in one sense, is likened unto a bank account.  If we don't make deposits, there will be nothing to withdraw.  There are no exceptions and no excuses!  We can't expect God to meet our every need yet refuse to do what's necessary to maintain those healthy relationships.  In the same manner, it's unfair to expect our brothers and sisters in Christ, including our spiritual leaders, to consistently be available, share advice, and nurse our wounds when we refuse to heed their advise, wisdom and counsel.

Love is full of truth.  At the end of the day, our hunger for God and knowing the fullness of Him will not cause us to become angry just because we hear, yet again, what we know to be the truth.  We should learn to stop making excuses and just obey God.  It works.  If something is not working, that's not the leader's fault by default, especially if they are preaching, teaching and demonstrating the truth.  We need to look inwardly as well to see where we, personally, have missed with God.

1 Timothy 4:2-4 warns us of this very thing:
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

These times are upon us.  Some people just want things their way.  Whether it's truth or a lie, they want to hear what they want to hear.  They want to be in control, and they will always find fault in the very ones seeking to help them... because it's easier than admitting fault within themselves.

I am praying for so many, and humbly pray God will even keep my own heart from turning that way.  I'm saddened, hurt and disappointed.  There are few things worse than seeing the potential in someone who cannot see it in themselves.  It's very difficult to love those who refuse to accept your love, or even believe it exists.  It's heartbreaking to watch people turn against you just to run to those that mean them no good, yet tell them what they want to hear.

My prayer is that people will see another side of their personal frustration... to understand it's NOT ABOUT US.  This is bigger than any one individual, including myself.  Not everyone is out to "get you."  God loves us so much that He has strategically placed others in our lives to help us draw closer to Him.  We just need to stop biting the proverbial hand that feeds us.  

I want to encourage not only leaders, but all believers experiencing this type of frustration.  After all, EVERY believer is a minister of Christ with the responsibility to share the Gospel.  There are souls at stake... hold on!  Don't you dare give up.  It's worth the fight!  Someone's soul may be dependent upon you pressing through one more disappointment.  Even if you never see the fruit, continue to plant the seeds God commands you to plant.

All in all, I am full of love and have compassion, but I REFUSE to change the message.  I also have a responsbility to please God, and no one's desire for a cover up is worth risking that.  Even if I die today, God's message remains the same.


Saturday, November 01, 2014

Women, Let's Deal with Lust and Seduction in the Church

The spirit of lust is very subtle, yet strong.  Despite what many believe, this spirit is not always demonstrated through fornication, adultery or another bold act of sexual sin.  Lustful spirits, unfortunately, have overtaken many in the church.

As a female, I want to encourage my sisters, including some who may not recognize this spirit upon them.  Lust is often paired with seduction, or the desire to be seducing.  It is evident in us, ladies, when we dress a certain way or adorn our bodies for the sole purpose of getting attention, even if it's not entertained.

I'm concerned to see so many young ladies and women in the church, even among those in ministry, who are falling prey to this deception.  There is a difference between looking nice, carrying oneself as a lady, and trying to be "sexy" for anyone other than your husband.  The longing for attention... the desire or misconception that every man "wants you" is something that needs to be dealt with.  This deception quickly opens the door to ungodly imaginations, pride, envy, arrogance or even a sense of rejection, when the desired attention is not returned.  Even more, this need for attention can eventually lead to fornication and other sexual immorality, including pornography and masturbation.

Some signs of this spirit (in women) include:
- A heightened concern over one's appearance
- Changes in the way one dresses (subtle provocative enhancements, such as suddenly showing cleavage)
- Thoughts about what others, typically men, think of your appearance
- An obsession with oneself, which may be expressed through arrogant conversation about one's good looks and/or the excessive sharing of "selfies" on social media
- The idea that everyone sees one in a sexual manner
- Temptation to indulge in sexual sin
- The need for attention and validation of one's appearance from others
- Allowing a relationship to become to familiar; anticipating interaction with a particular person for the attention, rather than the purpose of the relationship
- Sexual thoughts or fantasy about a person who is "off limits"
- Concern about a person that exceeds "your business" (wondering what their favorite meal may be or what they would do in imaginary scenarios that involve you)

There are many more, but I just want to bring attention to these few and really expose the enemy.  Women of God, we need to be on guard.  Some of us need to step up and become the "mothers" so many churches now lack.  If this spirit is toying with you, get help in the form of prayer and deliverance.  If you see it in others, approach your sister in love.  Correct, rebuke, and when necessary, cast it out!


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Stop Rebuking Questions You Can't Answer!

My heart breaks for those, especially young people, who have questions about their faith that ministers, leaders and "older" saints refuse to answer.  We have now a generation who wants answers.  It does no good to dismiss their sincere inquiries.  In this day and age of knowledge and information, it's imperative that we rightly divide the word of truth and share from a sincere relationship with God, rather than rebuking and dismissing those who ask questions we are frankly unable to answer.  Let's just be honest and prayerfully seek God for revelation when we don't know.  Let's partner with them to pray, search the Scriptures, study the word and history to find solutions.

Remember, we shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall make us free (John 8:32)!  Don't give the enemy credit for bringing truth to the surface.  That's God's doing, even if it makes us feel uncomfortable!  Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17)... not the traditions in which we are comfortable or the misguided interpretations of Scripture so many of us have accepted without responsibility to know God, and His word, for ourselves.

Questions, when of a pure and sincere heart, are not evil.  Remember, those closest to Jesus called him Rabbi.  TEACHING was His specialty during His time on this earth.  Let's follow suit.

"Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it."
1 Peter 3:15, NLT

Friday, September 05, 2014

Church Spies?

Excuse my vent, but really?

We have "spies" in the church now?  There are literally people to think it their duty to watch and listen to everything you say and do just so they can report it to someone that will hopefully bring you down?  Let me say, I'm not at all angry.  In fact, I'm not even surprised.  I am tickled pink... amused, though disappointed.  It's simply disturbing that we have people spending time looking for the faults in others -- not sinners or liars, but those doing Kingdom work -- just so they can report it with the intent to sow discord.

If anyone wants to know what I'm doing, just ask.  I'm an open book.  I make mistakes, but I'm not at all ashamed of the works God has called me to do nor the words He commands me to speak.  Please know that I love God's people.  I'm not hiding anything.  If anyone wants to know anything (and has the right to know), just ask.

With that said, leaders, please be encouraged.  This is just part of the call!  Be careful of those who speak on your behalf and be just as careful of those who are quick to whisper in your ear about what another is doing.  We don't have time to attack one another.  "If a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand!"

We have a Savior to watch for.  We should be preparing His Bride.  We need to know them that labor among us so we will not be distracted by every report.  Most of all, we must walk in integrity.  Remember, every tongue that rises against you in judgment will be condemned!!!  That's the heritage of those who serve the Lord!

As much as I hate to believe it, some people just like drama.  Don't become a star in their reality show.  LOL!

Love you all.  Now back to Kingdom business...  *SMILE*

Monday, September 01, 2014

I Am a Woman

Titus 2:3-5
Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that honors God. They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers. Instead, they should teach others what is good. These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God.

I am NOT a feminist, by any means.  I believe God meant what He said when He set order to the home.  My prayer is that I will never bring shame to the word of God.  I love to preach the Gospel, and I'm thankful that there is no Jew nor Greek, male nor female in the Spirit.  At home, though, I have a place that cannot be neglected.  That's my FIRST ministry.

Lord, help me to be the woman of God I was created to be.  If I do my job as a wife and as a mother, then I can preach the Gospel with integrity and power, leading by example as a doer of the word, and not a hearer only.

I am a woman... and I'm liberated through holiness!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Get in Line and Follow the Teacher

NO ONE knows everything!

Romans 12:6, NLT
"Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all!"

We must be reminded that spiritual leaders are just that.  Their job is to lead us to Christ.  Yet, they cannot assign us an identity.  They cannot solve all our problems.  Believe it or not, they can't even answer all our questions.  That is NOT their job, and any leader who attempts to do so is out of order.

Christian leaders are merely a means to an end.  It is our job to point others to Christ as a source... never ourselves.  We make mistakes.  We have limits, and again... WE DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING!

Spiritual leaders are not meant to run your life or make decisions on your behalf.  They can pray for you.  They can teach you Scripture.  They can provide godly example and direction.  But please, LIVE YOUR LIFE!  Don't look to a leader to approve your every move or every word.  That's idolatry, and it doesn't please God.

Christian leaders are to be respected, but never feared.  They pose no threat to you if indeed they are called and sent of God.  Learn to discern their opinions from God's word.  There is a difference.  Don't confuse the two, as this is a dangerous error to make.

I will admit, I have a major pet peeve with people who must get permission from their leader for everything, especially business in their own home.  That's just NOT the spirit of God. YouR leader has no jurisdiction there!  Sure, they can pray and provide godly counsel when solicited, but they shouldn't control you and every aspect of your life, ESPECIALLY your marriage, your children, your finances, etc.

Please, let's keep things in proper perspective.  A good leader will teach you to be a disciple of CHRIST, not merely him or herself.  A good leader will make you dependent on God, not him or herself.  A good leader wants you to hear God's voice for yourself, not just through him or her.  A good leader wants you to grow and will not be intimidated by your anointing, even if it seems to "outshine" or overpower their own.  A good leader will nurture your gifts and encourage their use, not limit, control or use them for personal gain. A good leader will work WITH you, respecting your opinions and areas of expertise. A good leader will LEARN FROM YOU and BE ACCOUNTABLE TO YOU just as much (if not more) as you are to them.

In kindergarten, my class was always required to walk in a line.  Sometimes, I would stand behind Ruthie.  Sometimes, I'd stand behind Aaron.  Sometimes Steve or another student.  I followed them, but only as they followed the teacher.  When they stepped forward or moved to the right, so did I.  I followed my classmate, as long as they followed the teacher.  I followed my classmate, at times, when I couldn't see the teacher for myself.  Yet, even as a kindergarten student, I understood the goal was ultimately to FOLLOW THE TEACHER. Since I understood the goal, even when a classmate got out of line, I stayed on course, because I kept my focus and attention on the teacher.

Who are you really following?  If your leader gets out of line, will you follow them, or will you find the TEACHER?  Think about it!


Tuesday, August 19, 2014


People of God, please be warned that many have become false prophets without even noticing it.  There is such a lack of respect for God’s word, and the Father is not pleased with this activity.

Each and every day, so-called “prophetic” words are simply thrown out by any and everyone.  People seem very quick to note “God said” or “the Lord told me to tell you”.  PLEASE, consider the source and consider the message.  Most importantly, be mindful of what YOU say in the name of the Lord.  This includes, of course, the many things we share over social media and networks.

We have literally reduced the precious, living Word of God to clichés and get rich quick schemes of deception and witchcraft. 

·         This is a word for somebody.  God is going to enlarge your territory today.  Claim it!
·         God said that those who forward this email will have an unexpected check in the mail within 24 h ours.
·         The Lord spoke to me in a dream and said “Increase!”

This is the type of foolishness we see and hear every day.  God is NOT a sorcerer.  He does not deal in potions, and contrary to popular opinion, He has not and never will use everyone as His mouthpiece.

Please, let’s be more careful about attributing our own hopes, imaginations and clichés to God.  This is VERY dangerous territory.  God hates a lying tongue (Proverbs 6:16-19) and will bring judgment to everyone who declares “God said” when He hasn't spoken or instructed them to speak on His behalf.

God is not haphazard concerning His word.  Be warned.  Be careful.  Selah.

Jeremiah 23:21-22,25-31, KJV
21 I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.
22 But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.
25 I have heard what the prophets said, that prophesy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed.
26 How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart;
27 Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal.
28 The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the Lord.
29 Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?
30 Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that steal my words every one from his neighbour.

31 Behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that use their tongues, and say, He saith.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Where Are the Signs and Wonders?

More than almost any other question of faith, I hear this one from so many believers... Where are the signs and wonders?  With so many apostles and prophets, where are the miracles?  With my increased understanding of the Scriptures and chasing of faith, where are the wondrous works of God?

We live in a society filled with entitlement.  The church is not exempt.  Even our Christian culture demands a response to every iota of sacrifice we offer.  If we give, we expect God to bless us "one hundred fold."  If we forgive, we expect to be forgiven.  I'm not saying this is all negative.  Nevertheless, we need to learn and understand that that Kingdom of God is not a one-dimensional business plan.  God is sovereign.  He will do what He wants to do when He desires to do it.  Here is, however, the great thing about God.  He doesn't leave us guessing!  In fact, His word is clear, if we would only meditate upon it.  He desires that we know His heart, so He has laid it out for us, in His word!

First, we must acknowledge that our seeking of signs and wonders, as born-again believers, is not optimal.  After Jesus was resurrected and seen of the Apostles, He said "Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."

In our search for signs and wonders, have we lost the true foundation of faith?  Have be begun to seek miracles more than God?  Certainly, we have forgotten that signs and wonders are for the unbelieving.  Those of us who know the Father must, like Jeremiah, recall to our minds the great works of God.  It is in this that we have hope (Lamentations 3:21-23).  In His word, our faith is renewed.  Certainly, God should not have to prove Himself, by our own standards, to His own children!

Nevertheless, back to the original premise... Where are the signs and wonders?  The word of God does promise they will follow those who believe, right?

Mark 15:15-18 says, "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.  He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.  And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;  They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

We all know and understand that obedience is better than sacrifice.  In fact, obedience is arguably the foundation of worship.  With that, those who believe and are truly sons of God will first be obedient to His word.  How is it, then, that we expect the fruit of obedience without actually obeying God's word?

In verse 15 of this passage, a very clear directive is given to us as disciples of Christ.  That instruction is to GO and PREACH the GOSPEL!  Given that the original text of Scripture was not delineated by chapter and verse, we can deduct that within context, only those who obey this command can expect to see the signs and wonders following.  Of course, that makes sense, as we've already established that signs and wonders are indeed for those who do not believe.

Where are the signs and wonders?  They are exactly where they are supposed to be... following the ministry of reconciliation in the earth.  If you are not seeing them, examine yourself.  Where have you gone to win the lost?  Especially for those who are apostles or prophets, are you sure?  To what uncharted places have you been sent and before what great men have you been invited?  What did you preach when you got there: your latest revelation or the unadulterated Gospel of Jesus Christ?


Monday, July 21, 2014

My Mic Sounds Nice!

This message is a clarion call to all of God's ministers and leaders.  Do you truly understand the power of a microphone?  Do you realize the gravity of responsibility that rests on your life whenever you speak into the mic?

A microphone is defined as "an instrument for converting sound waves into electrical energy variations, which may then be amplified."  Literally, this small and seemingly insignificant device adds ENERGY to your words and amplifies them, or makes them great.  God does not take an amplified voice lightly.

Joel 2:1 declares, "Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand."  God's prophet was given instruction to cause an alarm... to amplify a sound of warning to God's people.

In like manner, Isaiah 58:1 instructs "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins."

The point is this - God has always commanded that the voice of WARNING be amplified.  Yet, so many in the Body of Christ have diminished the privilege of a magnified voice down to an opportunity to entertain and encourage empty religious practice.

Today's modern microphone can be likened to a trumpet or ram's horn - a tool used to amplify and bring attention for the purpose of delivering God's message to His people.

In this season, we must be mindful of the amplified voice.  Is God amplifying us, or are we amplifying ourselves?  Have we assumed that the loudest voice is the most anointed, without exercising discernment?  Do we chase the desire to have our own agendas amplified for vain glory, or are we prepared to loudly proclaim the Gospel, which must include the word of warning?

We cannot become seduced by the amplified sound of our own voices.  Instead, whenever given the opportunity, we must amplify only the heart and mind of God, that He and He alone be glorified.

The next time you are presented with a microphone, whether to sing or speak, remember the heaviness that comes with that assignment.  You have, at that point, gained access and the attention of God's precious people.  Make every second count!

2 Timothy 4:2 "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine."


Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Paul, Peter is Coming Back

Please hear God!

This is the season of the PRODIGAL son, daughter, sister, brother, friend, etc. in the Body of Christ.  As time winds up, God is restoring many covenant relationships that were severed due to offense and other devices of the enemy.

Will you receive them when they return?  Will you humble yourself and return?

We must be prayerful and wise, putting discernment to use.  The Lord revealed that many of us provide more trust and faith in strangers than we do those who have walked with us for years, but committed one transgression.  This is certainly to our shame.  Which is more important... the manifestation of God's power, or your feelings and ego?

The Kingdom of God is not in word, clicks or bonds.  Mature saints understand we are called to walk in power with our brothers and sisters, even if we can't agree on a favorite color or the split for the offering.  We can no longer allow trivial disagreements or misunderstandings to break up relationships God has put in place for the work of the ministry.  We are interrupting the strategy and progress of the Kingdom in doing so.

Let me be clear... In this case, I am not addressing merely church membership.  This is in regard to leaders who are working to build the Church, the Body of Christ.

Godly relationships are based on covenant.  Therefore, we cannot be quick to walk away from one another.  We need to work through disagreements and restore these relationships unless God, who established the covenant in the first place, announces is has been fulfilled.

Like a marriage, Kingdom covenants will have problems and disagreement.  That is not an excuse to simply walk away.  Gifts must work together to feed God's people and nurture them appropriately.  As leaders, we cannot do this alone.  The Kingdom is God is not an upward tier of power and authority, but a web of interdependent relationships.  When we shun God's gifts from our presence, we affect those we are leading.

Humility is in order.  Let's humble ourselves and restore all that God set in place.

Paul, Peter is coming back.  Though he didn't do things your way, he has completed God's work and remained faithful.  Can you receive him?  Selah.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Wait for God's Announcement

People of God, I want to encourage you... LEARN TO WORSHIP WITHOUT MUSIC!!!

Please, don't get me wrong.  Music is a wonderful form of praise and worship.  It is commanded in the word of God, so it is good.  However, in our church culture, we have become DEPENDENT on music.

Let's be honest... the praise and worship teams, organs, drums, the entire setup we use is not the model we see in the New Testament church.  As much as we'd hate to admit it, there is an element of entertainment that keeps us going.  Our flesh is appeased, which means it's not 100% spiritual.

With that being said, there are two things God has instructed me to remind the church of:

1)  God is looking for a NEW SONG (Psalm 96:1, 149:1; Isaiah 42:10)
2)  We should be looking for the SOUND OF HEAVEN (Acts 2:2)

The Father has shown me that our worship, in most cases, is actually taking the focus OFF Him.  We are so busy singing the songs that please our flesh that we don't give the Holy Ghost room to give us NEW songs of worship.  We don't like silence.  We are uncomfortable with "dead space" in a service, so we struggle to wait on Him.  As a result, we sing worldly songs in the church that really don't please Him.

Let me clarify even that.  Even if a song is labeled as "gospel," it can be worldly based on the motive.  Who wrote it?  What is the heart of the artist who sings it?  True worshipers DO CARE and will use discernment to filter through these things, offering only to God that which is clean and pure.

We must also learn to listen for the SOUND OF HEAVEN.  Again, we are so accustomed to making noise that we don't even recognize God's sound.

Pastors and church leaders, God is saying today, "I am waiting to announce myself in your meeting place!"


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

It's the Grace that Counts!

You don't have to have a title or accolades to receive honor. Are you a child of God? Then I respect, honor and love you on today. ALL Kingdom citizens are worthy of honor. Don't think or believe anything less. You're God's child! Don't let religious politics make you feel any less!

If God tells you to speak, SPEAK, whether you are called a 'prophet' or not. If He tells you to evangelize, share the Gospel. It matters not whether you are recognized as an 'evangelist.' We need to RIGHTLY divide the word of truth. The ascension gifts of Christ (Ephesians 4) are not positions or titles, but assignments covered by a realm of grace to DO THE WORK. Take the limits off. We're in the last days, and the sun is going down. We have work to do!

Always remember, titles are of man. Only God ordains. Men are purposed to confirm and affirm, but it's God that gifts, assigns and sends forth!


Monday, April 28, 2014

Prophetic Word to the American, Evangelical Church

"My people have become as spoiled children. You are angry with Me when you don't get what you desire, forgetting that I know what's best for you. You are as toddlers, desiring the things that will harm you. You cry when the lust of your eyes remain unfulfilled. You need discipline. You need correction, and I am giving this to you, because I love you. Trust Me and put away your childish ways. Grow up and obey Me. Worship Me. I will give you what you need, so stop your whining. It will not move Me. It's worship and obedience that call me to attention. Stand and be strong. Endure and follow me. Trust me. I am your God. Stop worshiping your desires, and worship Me."

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Ezekiel 22:28, AMP
"And her prophets have daubed them over with whitewash, seeing false visions and divining lies to them, saying, Thus says the Lord God—when the Lord has not spoken."

There is a disturbing trend in the church, where people are using "the Lord said..." or "the Father told me..." to argue against or exercise control over God's people.

First and foremost, we must remember that while everyone has an opportunity to seal a relationship with God, it remains rare.  Not everyone who names the Name of Christ is a prophet or able to hear God's voice clearly concerning themselves, much less another person.  By no means am I speaking against godly leadership, spiritual authority or godly counsel.

I am speaking against those who lie on God to get their way.  Many are speaking things that God did not say, or would not say.  Think about it... this is GOD, Creator of the Universe.  Would He really say half the things that are claimed?  Would He promise you a brand new house and a car before He deals with your sin?  Would He appoint you as an apostle or prophet when you know good and well that you have no existing prayer life?  Would He really tell you, when He's given you a heart for souls, that it's not your "season" to talk to anyone about Jesus, but just your time to sit and be taught?  Does this really sound like God?  Compare it to His word.  Use discernment.

People of God, we can't be swayed by every "God said..." from every mouth.  Be very careful - careful of what we obey and careful of we say ourselves.  If it's your opinion, fine.  Own it.  Don't stamp God's name on it just to get more traction.  DANGEROUS!  Selah.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Honoring Marriage

As a believer, I absolutely believe in the sanctity of marriage.  Perhaps I'm "old skool", but I believe marriage was created by God and is organically defined as the union between one man and one woman.

With that being said, I have a serious question to pose to my fellow believers who stand in agreement.

We spend so much time and effort fighting for the "definition" of marriage in the church (with which I do agree), but neglect the sanctity of marriage in so many ways.  Why?

In the church, it's common to see fornication and adultery.  Yet, there are very few who cry out against it.  There are MANY preachers, leaders and pastors who divorce on Friday and show up on Sunday like nothing ever happened.  How can that be?

God HATES divorce.  That's what the word of God says.  When we truly believe in the sanctity and holiness of marriage, why don't we preach it all?  We need to take it or leave it.  Any sin is just that... a sin.  We can put weight on one over the other.

I believe God is opening our eyes.  It's very hypocritical to judge one aspect while winking at others.  At the core, everyone deserves to be loved, despite their decisions.  We've ALL made bad ones.  That still doesn't give us the right to choose which portions of God's commands we'll follow and which we'll casually dismiss.

So, today I cry aloud and spare not!  Protect godly marriage!  Stop allowing fornication and adultery in the churches.  Stop supporting those in the pulpit who wreck homes.  Stop listening to pastors and leaders who put away their spouses and take no time for repentance and restoration.  Worrying about how those outside the church define marriage is of minor concern compared to what we allow of those inside the church who are equally, if not more disrespectful of this sacred covenant.

After all, the divorce rate in the church is now greater than that outside.  If we, in the body of Christ, can't keep marriage holy, maybe we should stop getting angry at the world.  Obviously, the example has failed.  Selah.


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Don't Talk... Just Listen!

Bless those who persecute you. Don’t curse them; pray that God will bless them. Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all!

Romans 12:14-16 (NLT)

Why is it that we as Christians and church leaders feel the need to provide the answer for every issue?  We often view those who are hurting, discouraged, weak or sick as lesser in the things of God.  Oh, how we err!

The Bible assures us that to everything there is a season.  This includes a season to mourn, or cry.  People of God, it's okay to have emotions.  It's okay to get angry or sad from time to time, as long as it doesn't fester and result in sin.

As leaders in the church, we need to learn to LISTEN and be slow to speak.  Not every situation needs a "prophetic word" to fix it.  Sometimes, people just need a listening ear and your prayers.  They certainly don't, in many cases, need a sermon that condemns them for feeling very natural feelings about a heavy situation.

We need to be a bit more sensitive.  I've seen people lose loved ones and get rebuked for the tears.  I've witnessed people being diagnosed with terminal illnesses and being prophesied to with the expectation that their countenance should change.  Really?

Let's remember, Jesus was a miracle worker when He walked the earth, yet He still had compassion on the people.  And He too had a moment of weeping.  I wonder what "word" we would have given Him...


Saturday, February 15, 2014

Back to What Matters...

"And as you go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.  Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely yet have received, freely give."  ~ Matthew 10:7-8

My heart's desire is to fulfill the call on my life for TRUE ministry.  Quite honestly, as I examine the works of my hands, I'm still a bit short.  I have the preaching part down, but I want to do ALL Jesus commanded His disciples to do.  Healing the sick, cleansing diseases, raising the dead and casting out devils are also my responsibility.  I've experienced many of these things on occasion, but I should be so connected to God that these signs are always and consistently in operation.  I accept that responsibility and will obey by faith.

It's very scary... and also humbling to know that thee things CANNOT be done in my own strength and knowledge.  No number of conferences, summits, or meetings... No amount of schooling or money... No fancy suits or expensive shoes...  No number of Facebook friends or elite connections...  No gimmicks, tricks or entertainment...  Nothing but the power of God can fulfill God's purpose in us.

Humbled.  Joy is ready to stop trying and just allow God to use me.  Some won't like it... So be it...  Back to what matters...

Saturday, February 08, 2014

Sanctified by the Word of God

"Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth" (John 17:17).

In Jesus' prayer to the Father, He asked that His disciples, His followers, be sanctified by the word of God.  Sanctification is the act of being set aside, or consecrated.

The word of God is meant to clean, purify and separate us.  It was never intended to be used as a co-sign on our sin or worldly thinking.  The Scriptures were ordained for rebuke, correction and instruction (2 Timothy 3:16).

God's word should not be a weapon we use for debates and arguments, to cut and slander one another.  Neither should we study it seeking loopholes that will justify our carnal thoughts and behaviors.  Instead, it should be a tool... it IS a tool - sharper than a two-edged sword, to discipline and purify us.

Even in my own life, I am in yet another season of self-evaluation.  There are some things God is pulling me away from, not necessarily because they are wrong or blatantly sinful, but because they are COMMON.  To be set aside means a difference must be evident.  Holiness is unto perfection, so pruning is a continuous process.

We, indeed, are sanctified through the word.  The lack of holiness in our lives is a direct reflection of our ignorance of God's word and a lack of relationship with Him.  Holiness is not up for debate.  We must be different.  Where is the remnant? What is God's word pulling off of you?  Don't fight it.  Just let God mold you into the vessel of honor Jesus prayed for you to be.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ladies, Can We Talk?

"I desire therefore that in every place men should pray, without anger or quarreling or resentment or doubt [in their minds], lifting up holy hands. Also [I desire] that women should adorn themselves modestly and appropriately and sensibly in seemly apparel, not with [elaborate] hair arrangement or gold or pearls or expensive clothing, But by doing good deeds (deeds in themselves good and for the good and advantage of those contacted by them), as befits women who profess reverential fear for and devotion to God."  ~1 Timothy 2:8-10, AMP

Ladies... woman of God, can we please talk?

Don't get me wrong.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with dressing up and looking nice, BUT, where is the MODESTY in today's church?

Fake nails, fake hair, fake eyelashes, fake butt, fake chest... More bling than power... More makeup than a drag queen...  Fishnet stockings???  REALLY???  For some, the church sees more of your hips and breasts than a KFC employee!  Where is the MODESTY???

So many of "God's women" look like the world.  It's all about a suit and a designer bag.  Why?  What example are we setting for the younger women in the church? We are showing them that it's more important to look good than to DO good.

Can we just be real?  Some of us know good and well that no demon can be cast out... No prayer warfare can go forth, because our clothes are too tight and shoes are too high.  It has really gotten out of hand.

God wants us to be authentic.  How can we know those who labor among us in the realm of the Spirit when no one sees the real you in the natural?

I'm just saying... It's really gotten ridiculous.  Some of us really need to pull that in!  ORDER IN THE CHURCH!!!

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Where's the Rod?

Parents and Preachers,

Our children shouldn't be bad!!!

"Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell." Proverbs 23:13-14 KJV

"Don’t fail to discipline your children. They won’t die if you spank them. Physical discipline may well save them from death." Proverbs 23:13-14 NLT

It's the word of God! There is a HUGE difference between physically punishing children in love and abusing them. I don't advocate abuse by any means. It concerns me that so many believers now feel that all physical punishment is abuse.  We mustn't throw out the word of God because of the ignorance and ill manner of a few. True, godly parents, who follow the word of God, understand how to discipline in love, with the rod.

It's the Bible. It's still the truth, and it still works. In fact, it's one of the best things my family (notice, I didn't just say 'parents') did for me. ORDER IN THE CHURCH!

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Wealth in Action

I just want to give a shout out to those who invest money into ministry and the Kingdom of God.  There is this misconception that those who don't have big houses, luxury cars and eccentric games are broke and lack faith.  Not so!

Believe it or not, there are a host of people who invest into the community - churches, outreach programs, people in need, etc.  They live off a portion of their income so that others can be blessed.  They are always helping others.

God has certainly not skipped over them.  They are not suffering a lack of faith.  They are living in abundance by giving of their substance, and they are HAPPY TO DO IT!!!  They understand it is more blessed to give than to receive.

You know who you are.  God sees you, and that's all that matters.  ORDER IN THE CHURCH!