Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My Apostles Take Ownership

Just needed to share some quick thoughts, as God is speaking...

After battling with false apostles for the last few weeks, God spoke to me very clearly this morning about the fruit of TRUE apostles.  He said, "My Apostles take ownership."

Rather than giving me one particular scripture to reflect on, the Lord told me to look at the example provided by Paul.  Not only did he travel preaching the word of God, but he provided static oversight to the churches.  He wrote them letters and sent his own students and spiritual sons as leaders among them.  He had accountability to those he oversaw and they, in turn, were also accountable to him.  When Paul spoke, the people listened.  When he rebuked, things changed.

We see, in this season, many walking as apostles with no accountability to a body of believers... a local church.  Quite simply, this is not biblical.  While an apostle does not have to be a pastor, they are accountable to at least one body.  While traveling and preaching, there should be churches, ministries or some combination of those accountable to them as well.  A true apostle understands the need for corporate worship and fellowship with the saints.  Simply traveling and preaching, without ownership in building the Kingdom of God, is not the call.  That is indeed a preacher, but the call of an apostle is much greater.

Let us be careful and mindful that all called by the spirit of Christ have accountability and a clear purpose - to build God's Kingdom and raise up His people.  It's a simple responsibility, and should not be tainted by "deep" nonsense.


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