Friday, September 16, 2005

JESUS Promotion

JESUS Promotion!!
16th September, 2005
Lanna Perry
Sydney, Australia

"Humble yourselves before the Lord" James 4:10

My beautiful church, how I delight in you and adore you. How I have called you to be My Bride, and I have such a great destiny for you. I am purifying My church. I am cleansing My church, removing all the weeds so that My church may grow like never before.

My church, I deserve all the Glory. I Am the Great Creator, Sustainer and Author of all things, and there is nothing bigger than Me. My church, I am saddened by the self-promotion that I see in My church.

I am saddened to see many hearts wanting to promote their own names, and not My Name. I see many taking the Glory for many of My works, and I will not have this.

I have seen many of you have taken a step forward into the limelight when I have said take a step back. I see many hearts are committed to promoting their names, through the works of My hands.

I will not stand for man taking My Glory. I will bring about a holy fire to My church, that will humble all, and show all My Might and My power. For I have not called My People to promote their names, but to promote My name.

For as you die to self, I rise up within you.

I see this self promotion that has come over My church, has come over through insecurity. How much longer will you My people refuse to allow Me to heal you, and fill your wounds with My healing balm? Do you not see through you not allowing Me to heal your past, and move you forward, that you are allowing the enemy to have a foothold.

Through insecurity many of you are trying to fill your wounds with the approval of man. The praise of man. I tell you the truth, nothing will satisfy you, nothing but the bread of heaven. Nothing, but Me.

I have called you to promote the name of Jesus!!!! My Name!!! I have called you to promote My Name! At all costs, dying to self that I might live in and through you.

Check your hearts My church. What do you promote? Are you promoting your own name? Or My Name?

My Holy Fire is going to fall upon My church, and burn out all pride. I will burn out pride from My church. For if you begin to promote yourselves, you will begin to worship each other’s acts, ministries and names. Idols will form. Is this what I have called you too? Surely Not!

Repent for your self-promotion My church. Repent for standing in the place, that I the Lord your God am meant to stand. Do not push Me aside any longer, but choose to live radically abandoned to Me. Promoting My Name.

As you continue to die to self, and continue to let Me live in and through you My church, I will exalt you. I will exalt you. It is not for you to exalt yourselves.
Humility is leaving My church, and I am grieved. For man is nothing without Me.

Can you rely upon each other for salvation? Surely Not. Are your works stable? Surely Not.

It is only My works, and the moves of My hand, that brings life. That creates life, and produces works of eternal and supernatural value.

My church, stop promoting yourselves.

Let, I the Lord Your God, stand where I am meant to stand. For I will not stand for pride. I will not stand for man stealing My Glory.

I love each and every one so much, and I long to have all in relationship with Me. I want My name taken to every inch of the earth, so all may know My saving grace. I want My church to take My Name to the world. To promote My Name, not their own.

Promote My Name Church!!!!

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