Friday, December 12, 2014

Who Offended You, Exactly?

Are you confronted or convicted?

In the realm of ministry, I am often confronted by people who are offended by something that is said during the act of sharing God's word.  Unfortunately, there is always someone who takes the message personally or even feels they are purposely being attacked.

While it is not my heart, nor my style, to publicly address private matters, I often wonder if we, as the church, have forgotten about the Holy Spirit.  So often, when we feel guilty within ourselves, we lean to anger and resentment toward a person rather than repentance.

I want to admit something... As a prophet, I often have NO IDEA who God is dealing with when I deliver a corporate message or share a public note.  I simply share what God gives me.  So, when people take it personal, they often profess feelings and actions I was completely unaware of.  If only we knew how much we expose our own guilt in the face of correction!

And another secret... I feel bad when people are offended.  I never seek to personally hurt anyone's feelings, and it's simply against my nature to "blast" someone in public.  However, I can't take it back.  While I didn't mean it personally, perhaps God did.

Here's the heart of the matter... we need to decide, whenever offense comes, the root of our concern.  Should we really be upset with the messenger, or is the Holy Ghost simply using someone to bring conviction to us?

Yes, there are some that are just mean and disrespectful.  They will publish your "dirty laundry" and tear you down in public.  BUT, there are many more men and women of God who would never disrespect or purposely hurt God's people.  So, how can you determine whether your rebuke is spiritual conviction or a personal vendetta?

  1. Check the source.  Do you know the messenger?  Consider their heart... past actions and your relationship (if any) to them.
  2. Is it true?  Enough said.
  3. Has confidentiality been breached?  In other words, if a distant friend or family member heard the same message, would they be able to link it directly to you?  If not, chances are you may be taking things too personal.
  4. Will the correction bring you closer to God?
  5. Is it wise counsel?  Does it make good sense?
  6. Consider the mood and/or demeanor of the messenger and the spirit in which the message is delivered.

Especially in this world of social media, where people are "extra sensitive" to the words of leaders in the church, always looking for something wrong -- we must be careful to discern.  When anger begins to rise... with whom are we really angry?  The messenger or the Holy Ghost?

Just one last note... if you ever feel a message is too personal or used as a weapon, confront the messenger.  Talk it through before taking offense.  Chances are that a misunderstanding has taken place.  Never allow assumption to cause you to miss God!

2 Corinthians 7:8-10, NLT
I am not sorry that I sent that severe letter to you, though I was sorry at first, for I know it was painful to you for a little while. Now I am glad I sent it, not because it hurt you, but because the pain caused you to repent and change your ways. It was the kind of sorrow God wants his people to have, so you were not harmed by us in any way. 10 For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There’s no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death.

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Stop Playing Dead

Last night, I had a dream that spoke volumes to me.  I was running from an attacker who was trying to kill me.  I was so afraid that I never looked to see if he had any weapons.  While I was running, I didn't even know his face… only that I was in danger.

After running for quite some time, I finally ducked into a corner and hid.  The attacker slowed down and began looking for me.  Finally, he found me and pulled me out onto some concrete.  He started kicking me.  I was so afraid that I never even noticed he was unarmed.  So, I played dead, hoping he would spare me, and he did.  Eventually he ran off.

I lay there, playing dead, until police arrived.  With them, of course, was the assailant.  When I looked at him, I knew immediately… he was absolutely NO THREAT.  In fact, if I hadn't run, he would have never chased me.  IT WAS A CASE OF MISTAKEN IDENTITY.  If I'd stood up for myself and allowed him to see my face, he never would have attacked.  He simply thought I was someone else!!!  Now, I was upset and embarrassed.  Why did I run, in the first place?  Why was I afraid?  Why did I give up life, even for a moment, by playing dead?  Why didn't I show him who I was?

The Lord spoke very clearly to me about the same.  He said His people need to stop playing dead.  Within the church walls and without, fear has gripped God’s people, and many are rendering their voices silent due to fear that is unsubstantiated.  Because we are afraid to be judged, afraid someone will not like us, afraid our character will be attacked… we play dead.  Not only are we silent, but we actually act as if we have no anointing, no call and no assignment.

If you are born again, you have a voice that God wants to use.  The Holy Spirit wants to be expressed through us.  Why do we act as if we have nothing to contribute?  For some of us, the enemy has caused us to believe in a threat that isn't even present.  We disobey God because of what MIGHT happen… because of what someone MIGHT do… because of what they MIGHT say or think.

In all actuality, if we would just obey God, others will see HIM in us.  Whether they accept us or not, our willingness to be used of God also guarantees our protection.  Many of us are enduring persecution for all the wrong reasons... simply because people don't know who you are in Christ.  You have been mistaken for someone else... someone who is weak and powerless.  Stop it!

Stop playing dead!!!  Let me help you… DENYING YOUR POWER AND YOUR CALL IS NOT HUMILITY!  You are very much alive.  You have a voice.  You have a call.  You are anointed.  Stop running.  Stop hiding.  Live and share the life that is in you!


Thursday, December 04, 2014

Deception, Even when Justified, is Still a Lie!

We, as leaders in the Church of Jesus Christ, monitor and tailor our messages a lot, based on the fact that some may abuse, twist, or misrepresent what we say. God would remind us that we are NOT called to the disobedient, except to bring correction. We are called to teach and nurture those who hear and obey the voice of God.

I have been "cautioned" many times that people will take my messages and run with them... that I am causing havoc in the church. I've been told by many leaders that while they are aware of the truth about a certain subject, that they can't preach the truth, because the people can't handle it. Deception, even with a justification, is still a lie!

If we are aware of some who will twist and abuse the truth, we need to rebuke those few.  We DO NOT deceive others to keep the exception under control.  That's crazy!

Speak the truth. Let God deal with those who may abuse the message. Stop sacrificing the good of God's remnant out of caution for those who don't obey Him anyway.


Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Hear, Touch and Send!

"One day as these men were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Dedicate Barnabas and Saul for the special work to which I have called them.” So after more fasting and prayer, the men laid their hands on them and sent them on their way."    Acts 13:2-4, NLT

This world has no shortage of anointing and power.  God has done His part by setting aside, calling and empowering a remnant.  Now, we as leaders must do our part.  We need to RELEASE God's weapons in the earth!

We cannot continue to bind who/what has been loosed in the heavens!

I've been guilty, due to tradition and man-made doctrines.  We don't have time to hold up God's plan.  There are too many called and anointed vessels waiting to be SENT.  Let's obey God.  It's not our job to filter those God has called.  We are to confirm it and obey WITHOUT DELAY.  Paul and Barnabas didn't have to wait for papers or a service.  That's luxury, not necessity.  In this season, we don't have time for the "extra."  Lay hands on them and LET THEM GO FORTH in the things of God!

The church should be a turn key organism where people are constantly coming in and being sent out.  Let's go!!!  Selah.