Monday, July 11, 2011

Mail Order Covering?

I am praying for ORDER to be restored in the Body of Christ, wherever it may be missing.  I've been very disturbed to find that even some I know in ministry are being "virtually covered" in their ministries.  The anointing and accountability REQUIRE RELATIONSHIP!

You cannot "buy" a "covering". God must set you in divine relationship in order for you to have true accountability. PLEASE, let's stop taking classes and paying fees to get "covered". These are not Apostles, but merely bill collectors who will loan you their name without covenant... AKA PIMPS. In the Body of Christ, you cannot be "covered" without relationship!  We must know them that labor among us…

Let's fix this!  No wonder there is so much confusion in the Body of Christ.  We cannot choose our own leaders... they must be ordained by God.  We can't leave every time we get upset or want to be ordained with a new title.

Wow!  I'm praying...

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

REPENTANCE is Needed in the USA

Yesterday, as we celebrated the independence of our country for the 235th time, the Lord instructed our church to come together and pray for this nation. During that time of prayer, I was burdened with what He released.

We cried out on behalf of this country, lifting up our soldiers who are fighting overseas. We prayed for the children in the nation and their education. We cried out for those who are imprisoned and the many who have suffered through natural disasters. Yet, in the midst of those prayers, God stopped me. He instructed me to continue crying out and travailing for the sins of the country, but He also said, “My judgment must come upon this land.”

God began to remind me that while these United States have judged and criticized other countries for their radical Muslim ties, communist governments, malicious governments and so forth, we have turned away from the godly standards that we so arrogantly use to judge others. We claim to be a moral nation, and somehow expect others to do the same when we welcome divorce, rationalize homosexuality, legalize the murder of unborn babies and even protect those that choose to do it. In this country, we award fathers who refuse to take care of their children and applaud men who choose to take multiple wives. Reality TV is a reflection of our twisted morals and fleshly appetites. Think about the movies, the music, the entertainment produced in THIS country. Does it really represent God?

The Father took me to Psalm 9:17, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”

“Do not consider yourselves to be exempt from My judgment,” He said. “I am a merciful God, but I am a just judge.”

The Lord went on to remind me that He always reserves a remnant and will certainly protect His own. However, He instructed me as a prophet to warn the nation that destruction is coming. The country that once claimed to serve God has now pushed His people into the minority. This is no longer a Christian nation. While founded on Christian principles, we have abandoned that which is holy on a large scale. As a nation, even the USA must be judged.

During that time, I saw an attack on New York. I don’t know exactly what took place, but there was panic and lots of water. We know and prophecy in part, so I continue to pray for clarity. I also encourage other prophets to cry aloud, and begin to warn the people. Don’t hold back on what God is trying to reveal through you.

I am asking that all God’s people continue to pray and cry out for this nation. This is a season of evangelism, like never before. Even last week, God placed a HEAVY burden on my heart for domestic missions. Other nations need God, certainly. But in the USA, there is a need that far exceeds that of Africa, Asia or even the Middle East. God revealed to me that they have a made up mind. Here, at home, we are deceived and the presence of the enemy is much stronger... much more deceptive...  and ACCEPTED!


Friday, July 01, 2011

Leave or Cleave

Believe it or not, this post is NOT about marriage. Instead, it’s about partnership in ministry – involvement in and commitment to the local church. Many years ago, as God was teaching me about faithfulness and service in my local church, He spoke very clearly to me and said, “Your commitment to your leaders is much like that of a marriage. You must leave or cleave.”

What did that mean? God was explaining to me that we are accountable to our leaders. We must be obedient and we must prove ourselves as good servants. In the same manner, we are also to be good stewards over all God has placed in us. At the end of the day, there is a choice to be made, and that choice is very serious.

Many in the body of Christ spend their time fighting with, disobeying, disrespecting and talking about their leaders. Somehow, many feel that pointing out the wrong in leadership somehow justifies their own defiant behavior – not so!
The word of God gives us a wise and spiritually mature antidote. Leave or cleave!

There are cases where the churches and leadership we sit under may be corrupt and outside the will of God. In these cases, there is a responsibility to bring forth those concerns in order and according to the word of God (Matthew 18:15-20; 1 Thessalonians 5:11-13). If those actions do not result in change, we must then consider whether or not we are to be part of the solution or will become part of the problem. If no change is in sight, it’s time to be a good steward over what God has placed in you. You are not to be a partaker in that which is truly evil (Psalm 1:1). The WRONG thing to do would be to sit and become bitter and rebellious. This causes division in the Body and will not be rewarded by God.

In most cases, the assignment is to understand that disagreements may occur, but God still works through people! We may not always agree with our leaders, but the word of God is clear – we should honor and obey them (Hebrews 13:17). This is a direct commandment from the Lord.

It’s interesting to me how people who claim to be so unhappy with a leader or a church will refuse to separate themselves. Could it be that they are aware of God’s assignment – that they were sent to learn something? Could it be that despite their flesh, they realize that spiritually they are growing and don’t want to miss the next big thing? Or, could it be that while the grass looks greener on the other side, they know the work required to “start over” would be too great?

Whatever the case may be, it’s very DANGEROUS to sit in a ministry, disrespect the leaders, disregard accountability and cause division. You have become a worker of iniquity. You are now a burden on God’s people, leadership and laity alike. You are literally hindering the spiritual growth of others – what a great offense in the sight of God! It is better to LEAVE and sever your tenure than to remain in disobedience, carrying a spirit of witchcraft.

This topic is one that must be discussed in the Body of Christ. How can we walk together, if we don’t agree (Amos 3:3)? I have been in situations when I didn’t completely agree with a leader or person of authority. Yet, God did not allow me a pass to sin, simply because of my disagreement. Instead, I was still required to serve and obey. Not every disagreement means the other person is in sin or in error. Instead of being so quick to judge, we should just seek God and think… If God loves ME so much, why would He send me to someone who is wicked? After all, we often confess that God sent us! We should ask God to reveal the root of the issue. If this is not of Him, what in me is attached? If is it of Him, what in me needs to get in line?

People of God, we are blessed to be free… Flourish where God has placed you and thank Him for the connection, or leave any place where you feel God is not… Plain and simple!