Sunday, October 30, 2005

Prophet of God, BECOME the Word!

Glory to God!

Last Wednesday, I was blessed to see my 30th birthday. For many, that may not have much significance, but it marked a large victory - one of faith - in my life. Since childhood, the enemy had convinced me that I would never see 30 years old. Even throughout my lifelong plans, I could not picture myself past 28 or 29. It was simply a concept I couldn't fathom. When my birthday rolled around, I suddenly came down with the flu, and was baffled by it.

"Father, what is it about this birthday that is so important?" I just had to ask God. I was immediately reminded of the the ministries of Jesus, John the Baptise and even Ezekiel. Each of these great men of God began their "active" ministries at the age of 30. Well, I'm one that doesn't believe in coincidence. By no means am I claiming to be as great as these, but what I am saying is this - God is doing a new thing in me, and I am humbled by it. Whatever He has assigned me to do, only I can do in His perfect will. Such is the case with each of us who are called to ministry - a specific assignment awaits and must be fulfilled. The Lord let me know that He would open my eyes to see His heart in a way I never have before, so that I can become effective in the prophetic office.

So, thus began this "newness" of revelation for ministry. First, the Lord instructed me to redesign the website for Joy of the LORD Ministries. Personally, I liked the old design, but God led me to create something more user friendly - something focused more on ministry and relationship with Him, rather than Joy. He needed a clear salvation message and a clear opportunity to present the Word via the internet. Then, the LORD led me to read Prophetic Ministry, a book by T. Austin Sparks. In the book, Sparks' main point is that the nature of the Prophet is to actually become the emodiment of the Word of God. I found the concept quite interesting, but was also challenged by it. Finally, the Lord led me to begin an in-depth study of Ezekiel. He is preparing me for a new level in the prophetic. The Father has given me a Word for the prophets in this day - Prophet of God, BECOME the Word!

By the understanding of most, a prophet of God is His mouthpiece. The prophet speaks forth the Word and will of God. According to God's Word it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks. So, why is it that God's mouthpieces, the prophets, often speak things that are contradictory to God's heart, or His eternal purpose? God is dealing with His prophets about prayer. If you truly walk in the office, I'm sure you have felt the tug of God in this area. We have been taught so long to pray what we feel is right, but God is not pleased. We should not attempt to comfort those with whom God is angry. The Lord is just. So, he grants blessings and curses, awards and punishment. We must seek God to the point that we know His heart, even when it is not favorable toward His people. If the mouthpieces of God speak forth that which is contradictory to His heart, we have disobeyed and nullified the Word of God. Woe unto us!

Prophets of God, the Father is calling us into a ministry of correction. As in the days of old, the day has come when God's prophets will not be liked and favored. The Word of the prophet will be feared by some, but we must speak for the Word of God as He gives it to us. This is not the time to expect riches or favor. The fact that the prophetic has become a fad is a slap in the face to our Father. God is not pleased, so the Word of correction MUST COME FORTH. As with Ezekiel, if we do not warn in this season, the blood of the lost will be on our hands.

Speaking of Ezekiel, I must share the revelation God gave me concerning him. As the Lord prepared Ezekiel to deliver His word, Ezekiel was instructed to literally BECOME the Word he was to prophesy. The Lord had him to ration his food, baked with dung. He rationed his water and lay on his side to represent the lamentation that would come forth over Israel and Judah. Yes, God had Ezekiel live out the very Word he was to speak. In this manner, Ezekiel would understand the heart of God, and be able to speak it from a personal point of view. Even with Hosea, God had him marry an harlot. Why? So Hosea's own life would portray the very disappointment and betrayal God felt from His people. Such was the case with many of the Old Testament prophets of God. Even in their flesh, they carried with them the very words God gave them to deliver.

Prophets of God, are we willing to sacrifice our own comfort to actually BECOME the Word of the Lord? It is time for intercession like never before. Fasting and lamentation are truly before us. There is a birthing process that must take place, but the travail comes before the victory! This is not a time to celebrate, but a time to seek God and mourn for the sin in our land - even in the very churches. God's rath is upon us, and we must speak forth! We cannot tolerate sin. HOLINESS! HOLINESS is the desire of our Father.

People of God, this is so urgent. Everything IS NOT ALRIGHT! Sin is rampant, so why are we comforting the people and acting as if the lives they are living are acceptable? We are still prophesying cars, businesses, houses and husbands. For some, this may be God's desire, but He is much more concerned about holiness, sanctification and ministry. God does not bless disobedience, so we must examine ourselves before speaking forth in God's name. Shall a man gain the whole world and lose his soul? Not so. So, we must stop prophesying differently!


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