Saturday, January 29, 2005

What Does Your Barcode Say?

Praise God! As we all know, barcodes are used to identify items in an electronic manner. This keeps us from mixing the identities of products, and provides them a permanent and distinctive identity. Well, I work in the telecommunications industry, where barcodes are essential. They help us, not only to distinguish one product from another, but to determine the activity of whereabouts of each piece involved.

On my job, we recently encountered a problem with some boards. Our barcode scanners were entering some of the serial numbers into our system with a space in front of them. Needless to say, this caused some confusion. We soon began noticing that some serial numbers were duplicated in the system. One serial number would register with a space in the front, while another number, with the exact same digits, also existed in the system with no spaces. Well, the managerial team first concluded that the scanners were erroneously reading the barcodes on the cards, and therefore causing these numerous errors. Then, after more research, we discovered that the scanners were not making errors, but reading exactly what was on the barcodes. That's right. There were actually spaces coded into some of the barcodes.

Many of us have empty spaces in our lives as well. We think we are whole, but we have not allowed God to touch every part of our lives. Our Father is just like that laser in a barcode scanner. He sees exactly what is hard-coded in our lives. The normal eye cannot always see our weak points and our struggles, but God sees us exactly as we are. God speaks through His word and lets us know that we must be whole in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Have you ever been to a grocery store and watched the cashier scan your items? Sometimes, it's necessary for them to scan the item more than once, so that the laser sees the entire barcode all at once. The laser recognizes the label, but only registers the information when it is exposed to the entire code all at once. This is just like God. If we are the barcodes, and He is the laser, God sees our lives and every secret thing. However, we must allow God's Spirit - His laser, if you will - to cover our entire life before we can be registered into the Lamb's Book of Life. Praise God!

If you have "holes" in your life today, God sees them. He can heal and set you free! Just remember, God scans our lives and He knows exactly what's there. When we expose our entire life, or barcode, to Him, we are then registered as His children through the blood of Jesus Christ!

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