Friday, March 04, 2011

Honoring the Abuser

Why do we show less respect for leaders who serve and more for those that abuse?

I've observed the church and ministry leadership dynamics for years.  As a pastor myself, with a heart after God's agenda, I have found it VERY difficult to serve and receive respect simultaneously.  It baffles my mind that when people see that you have a desire to teach the word and are willing to work alongside them, rather than ruling over them, they also seem to devalue your anointing and authority.  It's almost as if you are perceived as being "common" and "weak."

Yet, I have seen and experienced other leaders that lie to the people, twist the Scriptures, and rule over them in very dangerous and abusive scenarios.  As a result, even when the leader is known to be wrong, it seems that they are followed by the masses for long periods of time.

Unfortunately, people see abuse as a sign of authority and power, rather than the manifestation of signs and wonders.  Church hurt has scarred many people, even to the point that some don't know how to trust a leader who truly has their best interest at heart.  It's a sad state.

Jesus was a servant and told us that the greatest among us are the same (Matthew 23:11).  Since Jesus has declared this to be so, we cannot expect the crowd to follow such examples.  The masses will follow those that seek their own glory, rather than that of the Father.

I want to take this opportunity to encourage the leaders who walk in humility and truly have a heart for God's people.  Do not be discouraged.  Do not compromise.  Do not be dismayed by those who honor their abusers, but slander the nurturer.  Know that God is getting the glory out of your leadership through service.


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