Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Word of Prophecy for 2009

This is something God gave me in December of 2006. Yet, this morning I was instructed to share it again, as the same applies to the coming year of 2009. Don't worry about the year, Saints of God - WALK IN YOUR SEASON!

Like many of you, I have read literally 30+ prophecies concerning 2007, and I've probably heard even more. My Father and I had a long talk about this, and I asked God, what is it that I need to know about for 2007? I'd felt "left out," because though God has been showing me things, I haven't had any huge revelation for 2007.God spoke and said He has been speaking all year. "I am not ruled by your sense of time. Too many are seeking a word and a vision for the year. I am not concerned with years, but with seasons. Too many are looking for a change on January 1, but have not yet completed the assignments required to move into a new season."

My Father quickly reminded me that His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts. He showed me that the church is operating in spirit of divination and fortune-telling. Too many are concerned with giving a word for 2007, while people are dying in THIS season. A season, God reminded me, is not dependent on dates but on progression, growth and completion of purpose.

I know this is blunt, but I must be obedient in sharing this. We must stop trying to conjur up a word for the year. What is God saying TODAY?

God said, "Where were the seekers all year long?" How dare anyone give a word for the coming year when they have failed to communicate God's messages for the last 12 months! There is so much more I can add, but for now, this is all I feel led to share. Selah.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

IMAGINE - Ministry without Blame (My Heart's Cry)

As a new Pastor, I often find myself in prayer simply repenting for many things I’ve learned that do not please God. There is so much He is revealing to me, and I thank God for it. Yet, I am grieved. I’m grieved at the state of the church, and my prayer is that I will never cause the church to “look bad”. God is revealing so much to me. He is opening my eyes to so much. Most of all, He’s reminding of many things He’s allowed me to see in the past, yet I spoke nothing. I must now speak.

One of my biggest fears in ministry has been becoming a reproach to the Body of Christ. Too often, the people of God suffer because of the "public" mistakes made by someone else in ministry. How many times have you heard excuses from those who don't attend a church that reference how Christians are fake, selfish and hypocritical? Too many people are hurt by those who call themselves ministers of God. Too much disappointment comes from those who claim to live holy lives.

Of course, none of us are perfect. Yet, we too often use the "I'm only human" excuse. Are we not supposed to strive for perfection? Should we not be holy as God is holy? I know that I have made many mistakes in ministry. Yet, God is faithful, and love covers a multitude of sin. When my mistakes are truly mistakes, God covers. He knows our motives and will make them known. Even the world knows those who have a pure heart from those who express excuses to cover their evil motives.

In Paul's second epistle to the church at Corinth, he spoke of the characteristics of a pure a blameless ministry. He encouraged the believers to think about more than themselves. He admonished them to remember that their actions represented the Body of Christ. For that reason, they were to be careful of their actions and words.

2 Corinthians 6:3-10 AMP
v3) We put no obstruction in anybody's way [we give no offense in anything], so that no fault may be found and [our] ministry blamed and discredited.

First and foremost, Paul speaks of a ministry that causes no offense. In other words, the ministers of God are blameless. Now, this doesn’t mean they will never cause anyone to be angry. The power, however, is that when we remove personal offence, only conviction remains. The word of God will sting. The word will rebuke, correct and even offend. Yet, when the people of God are blameless, no fault can be found in us. Therefore, the ministry is not discredited. Though disagreement may rise, disrespect will not be an issue.

What if the church was without offense? People might disagree with the word we preach, but would not be able to say anything bad about the saints of God. Too often, we offend in the flesh without ever allowing the love of God to flow. So, it’s not the word of God that is rejected, but we are rejected before the word of God is even preached. It’s scary when we consider how many people have missed God, simply because of our own foolish, mean and offensive acts.

Instead of focusing on obedience to God and fearful respect of Him, the majority of our message is how WE must be respected and obeyed. We teach that if someone doesn’t like us, they are cursed. If they offend us, they are in sin. That’s simply not so. It’s not about us. It’s about the word of God. It’s about the love of the Father.

Too many of us are turning people away from the church because of our own evil and selfish ways. We act as if we are the only way to God rather than Jesus Christ, His Son. We are rude and offensive, then cover it up by saying we are only human. We preach that others must “touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.” We don’t stop to think, pray and consider that perhaps our own actions were not of God at all. We have a tendency to forget that the greatest among us must be servants. The greatest of us should be willing and able to repent before those who hear our messages. We do not have free passes to offend, simply because we carry a title or a certificate.

v4) But we commend ourselves in every way as [true] servants of God: through great endurance, in tribulation and suffering, in hardships and privations, in sore straits and calamities,
v5) In beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless watching, hunger;

Endurance in tribulation and suffering… When was the last time we endured through tribulation and suffering from others, without causing our ministries to look bad? How much do we really value integrity?

Jesus warned in Matthew, chapter 5 that we would be ridiculed for righteousness sake. Yet, He also taught that we are not to return insults with insult. We are to “turn the other check.” Unfortunately, we often forget that vengeance belongs to God. It is not for us to speak curses on others because we feel “disrespected.” Instead, it is our job to pray for them and win them over with love. We must be more concerned about their sin than their opinions of us or our ministries.

Then, there are the beatings, imprisonments, labors, watching, hunger… Let’s be honest. Many of us don’t understand suffering for the sake of ministry at all. Many of us don’t even carry our own Bibles. Many of us don’t know what it’s like to preach without a mint and a crystal glass of water or tea. We believe we are to be served, and if we do suffer, just a little… someone is going to get rebuked. Where were the deacons? Where was the armorbearer? This is our thinking. Service? Suffering? They are still too foreign to us.

v6) By innocence and purity, knowledge and spiritual insight, longsuffering and patience, kindness, in the Holy Spirit, in unfeigned love;

The characteristics of a godly ministry are very clear. Innocence means “not guilty”. Purity means holiness, sinless, sanctified for the use of the Father. Knowledge and spiritual insight speaks to revelation… a TRUE RELATIONSHIP with God. That’s far more important than years of education or even years spent in the “church.” Tenure is not God’s priority. In fact, for many of us, tenure is more of a shame than a trophy. Twenty years in the church, but you’ve caused no change. How dare we sit in the midst of hell, disguised as a house of God, yet say nothing. I am guilty. God called me as a prophet, yet I refused to open my mouth. Why? Religion, control… God is tired. Who will stand?

Have we forgotten longsuffering and patience? Have we forgotten KINDNESS and love? People of God, we must stop being so concerned about being right that we forget mercy and kindness. Rebuke is godly correction – not instruction on how WE think things should be. What has God said? In many of our rebukes to others, if we would be honest, God never said anything concerning the matter, except that we should pray for that person and love them.

What are we really trying to prove? As Jason Upton sang in a song called “It Ain’t Easy,” when we learn to love like God, we learn to “give it all, and get nothing back!”

v7) By [speaking] the word of truth, in the power of God, with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand [to attack] and for the left hand [to defend];

True ministry brings forth truth. Jesus stated that those who are His disciples shall know the truth, and the truth shall make us free! So, why is there so much bondage? It’s not a testimony, leaders, to have people following who are more afraid and reverent of you than they are of God. That’s not a testimony, but a disgrace. You have accepted the position of an idol. Repentance is of the essence. Priorities must be reordered. Preach TRUTH, not self! Preach relationship, not tradition.

v8) Amid honor and dishonor; in defaming and evil report and in praise and good report. [We are branded] as deceivers (impostors), and [yet vindicated as] truthful and honest.

Can you imagine being found innocent of EVERY accusation? How many ministries would truly stand? In other words, how many of us would stand? We don’t realize that WE ARE MINISTRY. Ministry is your service unto God. If you are not pure, your ministry is not pure! Why do we think we can live like the world as long as our churches grow? As long as the website gets hits and people send us email messages, we feel that our lives can be out of order. We have it all wrong. You are to be a living sacrifice unto God. It’s your reasonable service. It is ministry. When you stand before God, after being dishonored by others, does He find you innocent? Is repentance a regular practice for you, or just something you preach to others? Your ministry is not those you lead… It’s the life YOU lead before God – naked and exposed!

v9) [We are treated] as unknown and ignored [by the world], and [yet we are] well-known and recognized [by God and His people]; as dying, and yet here we are alive; as chastened by suffering and [yet] not killed;

Wow! Unknown by the world? Are we really? What is our motive? What is our ambition? Television broadcasts… Nice clothes… Big cars… Elaborate homes… CD’s…Millions in self-worth… Why is a good thing for the latest gospel artist to be played on the R&B station or BET? Are these not the ambitions of many in “ministry?” What happened to being separate from the world – even unknown and hated by the world? Somehow, the ambitions of the world have become our own. In our warped thinking about evangelism, we have brought the world into the house of God, claiming we want to “draw them.” Jesus said that those who belong to Him would be drawn by the Father. Are we so afraid to be the remnant? Are we so terrified of being the elect, a peculiar nation? Or do we simply not trust God to draw His own? He doesn’t need our help. He desires our obedience. The world does not belong in His house.

We are to be recognized by God and His people. We are recognized by our sacrifice. Popularity is not our motive. Fame is not our plight!

v10) As grieved and mourning, yet [we are] always rejoicing; as poor [ourselves, yet] bestowing riches on many; as having nothing, and [yet in reality] possessing all things.

When we operate in TRUE ministry, we experience a peace that passes all understanding. Rather than blaming others for our sufferings, we rejoice in them. Our possessions mean nothing beside the love of God that we feel. We rejoice simply in knowing our Father is pleased.

Hmmm…. True ministry! Selah!

Saints of God, pray with me and FOR me. I want to please God. I take ministry VERY seriously and my motives must always be pure before Him. I’m tired of “church as usual.” I want to be the one who has signs following. I want to hear God clearly. I want to be a blessing to people. I want to be known as a servant. I want to see people reconciled to the Father. I’ve seen the games, and my heart hurts for those who are deceived and for those who are deceiving. Many are making resolutions for 2009 even now. Let’s make a decision to truly be God’s vessels in the earth. Prophets, decide that you will no longer be silent. Evangelists, make up your mind to preach the TRUTH. God is merciful, but He is also just. Apostles, set order. Don’t be discouraged when they leave. Pastors, take opportunities to serve and stop demanding to be served. Teachers, teach the Word of God and stand up against the teachings of your denomination. REVIVAL is imminent. I want to be a part!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

How Much Christ Is In Your Christmas (A Repost)?

This time of year, it's inevitable to read the newspapers without hearing the ongoing debate about Christmas. Is it wrong, is it right? Should we say "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas"? To gift or not to gift? It's a never-ending saga, even in the house of God.

Without getting into tons of history and research, only to come to an endless debate, I want to share one thought with everyone during this holiday season...

So then, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you may do, do all for the honor and glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Saints, during this time, we must remember Christ. We must consider the heart of God. So many of us struggle and argue with traditions and their origins. We want to please our children, but are conflicted about which parts of Christmas should be kept, and which should be dismissed. Truthfully, it's really not that difficult to figure it out - DOES IT EXALT CHRIST? DOES IT DRAW MEN TO THE FATHER?

Even more, what did God tell YOU to do? Have you asked the Father what pleases HIM? Hmmmm...

Now, I leave you with one other thought. Consider this scenario...

A man and woman are celebrating their 20th anniversary. They have enjoyed a wonderful relationship, held together by the grace of God. At the anniversary dinner, the man leans over the table and looks into his wife's eyes. He tells her how he has enjoyed the wonderful time they've spent together, and presents her with a gift. To her surprise, it's a 4-karat diamond ring! Excited and anxious, the woman removes the ring from the box, and notices some engraving on the inside. When she reads the inscription, she realizes the ring actually belonged to her husband's ex-wife. He purchased this very gift as an engagement ring for his first wife rather than the one he was celebrating.

Now, his wife is disappointed, and somewhat upset. Confused about her reaction, the husband asks her why she is so upset. Pulling herself together, she explains... "I feel like I am receiving left overs. Though I know you love me and that you want me to feel appreciated with this lovely, expensive ring, the fact still remains that when you purchased it, your heart was set on someone else. The original purpose for this gift was to express your love to another woman, not me. I'd rather you give me a new penny, from your heart, than a recycled gift that happens to fit the occasion."

Isn't it funny how we do the same thing to God around this time of year? Many times, we get so caught up in tradition, and we SAY it's being done for God's glory. When we KNOW a particular act or practice came from idolatry and acts that did not please God, yet we try to justify them at this time of year by making it seem like a Christian agenda. We are simply trying to please God with an idol's offering - trying to give Him a used engagement ring. This year, let's give Him something new and genuine from our hearts. Seek His face and give Him praise. Before we celebrate, let's ask God what REALLY pleases Him. Whatever He says to do, let's do it. Whatever He says to leave out, let's just leave it out!

Then, and only then, will God get this glory in this season. Saints, we cannot continue to allow the world to dictate how we celebrate, when we shop, what we tell our children, and how we decorate our homes. We are the salt of the earth. WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DIFFERENT!

God bless you!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I Am Tired of the Slavery and Abuse!

Before you read this post, please know that I have taken this opportunity to speak from my heart. This is a solicitation for all of us to pray and repent... and be FREE!!!

John 8:31-36 (AMP)

31 So Jesus said to those Jews who had believed in Him, If you abide in My word [hold fast to My teachings and live in accordance with them], you are truly My disciples.
32 And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.
33 They answered Him, We are Abraham's offspring (descendants) and have never been in bondage to anybody. What do You mean by saying, You will be set free?
34 Jesus answered them, I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, Whoever commits and practices sin is the slave of sin.
35 Now a slave does not remain in a household permanently (forever); the son [of the house] does remain forever.
36 So if the Son liberates you [makes you free men], then you are really and unquestionably free.

I have found myself fixated in prayer as I grow more and more tired. I’m not tired of serving God… Not tired of ministry… Not even tired of my late nights and busy schedule. I’m just tired of seeing God’s people bound. I’m tired of seeing people enslaved to religion when God has made us free.

Over the last few days, our prayer line has been inundated with calls from people who are confused and abused, all in the name of “obedience and humility.” Many of them are being abused by those of us who should be setting them free. If I may simply share how I feel for one moment…

The thing that hurts and angers me most is that people are being abused in the name of God. There are literally church leaders lying on God week after week, watching people die. I am sick and tired of the abuse.

Many of us understand and know too well what church abuse feels like. “Church hurt”, as I’ve so often heard it called, is one of the deepest hurts a person can experience. Yet, there is an epidemic in the church of today – too many hurt people who have heard lies are now hurting others with those same lies. We have created doctrines and teachings that enslave people, when Jesus died for our freedom. We have become more obsessed with pleasing our leaders than we are with pleasing God. Allow me to share some examples…

-- I spoke with a minister who was told to pray for three topics and submit them to the pastor so the pastor could decide “which was really from God.”
-- I heard from a young lady who was turned away from prayer and communion because she didn’t have time to change before church, and wore slacks instead of a skirt.
-- I spoke with a woman who was told she had a spirit of witchcraft just because the prophet who was speaking could not “see anything good for her”

About a year ago, I received a call from a young lady who was in a church. She was a leader in the church, but she was caught up in an adulterous relationship. Surprisingly enough, her leaders knew of her affair (she was married), but never spoke out against it. In fact, they encouraged the couple to date. One day, I had a conversation with the young lady about her situation, and she was told by her leaders to ignore that conversation. As they stated, she was grown and they saw nothing wrong with the relationship. Surprisingly enough, just a few weeks after that conversation, the young lady called sobbing. She was upset because she was working hard as an armorbearer, but felt unappreciated. I remember very clearly that she stated, “Joy, I serve my leaders. I am faithful to them and I am careful to keep them covered, to make sure they have everything they need. I also pay my tithes, so why is God deserting me like this?”

I could hardly believe my ears. Here was a woman who became angry at God, because she was kept in bondage by her leaders. Now, I also understand that as a grown woman, she should have sought out the truth. Why didn’t she? Comfort.

Comfort can be a dangerous thing. When slavery was abolished in the United States, many freed slaves refused to leave their masters. Why? They were comfortable. They would rather stay in bondage than face an uncertain freedom. When someone is free, they have to make their own way. They can no longer depend on someone else. Freedom, for many, causes fear because it requires responsibility.

The same is so true in the Kingdom of God. Many of us listen to false doctrine and sit under crooked and misguided leaders because it’s comfortable. Who will confront you about your sin as long as you’re a good armorbearer? Who will make sure you know the word and have a relationship with God as long as you tithe and give great financial gifts? Who will expect you to live a holy lifestyle as long as you support the pastor and leaders? It’s so much easier to accept the false sense of security than it is to seek freedom in Christ. After all, freedom in God requires sacrifice. You will have to be holy, as God is holy. You will need to become a disciple of Jesus Christ. You will have to believe and maintain a solid relationship with the Father. You will have to stand for truth, even in the face of adversity. Perhaps these are some of the reasons that the way to eternal life is straight and narrow. Jesus said, “few there be that find it!”

As leaders, let’s stop demanding anniversaries and birthday parties when everyone in the church is told to give $50 or face a rebuke. Instead, let’s teach good stewardship, and teach people to pay their bills. Better yet, since the greatest among us are servants, according to Jesus Christ himself, let’s try to serve instead of always being served!

Let’s just do what the word of God says. Jesus said that we who are His disciples will know the truth, and the truth will make us free. We are bound, because we don’t know the word of God! We are trying to live by man’s law – tradition and religion. Jesus said that when He sets us free, we are free indeed! Let’s just do this thing God’s way.

I’ve heard some great atrocities during this week alone. I’m speaking of things that we all know to be false, yet we continue to sit under the doctrine, in bondage. Some of us continue teaching the things we know are not from the Word of God. Now is the time to stand up and be free! Now is the time to let God be true, but every man a liar!